August 2021
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PMP Principles of Social Sciences |
Define ‘epistemology’ (2)
The word epistemologies originate from the Greek epistemology, which is a discipline of philosophy that works with and analyses the basis, boundaries, techniques and validity of every element seeking to get information. In this sense epistemology examines scientific knowledge's foundations and procedures. In order to define the process of knowledge production, justification and truthfulness, it takes into consideration historical, social and psychological aspects (Fumerton, 2009). Epistemology is therefore a subject employed in science to establish the degree of certainty of scientific knowledge in the many fields. Epistemology may thus also be seen as part of science's philosophy.
What is scientific knowledge? (4)
Scientific knowledge is information and knowledge based on the study of real and evidence. It must be founded on observations and experiments to prove a hypothesis of truth or falsehood, in order to be accepted as scientific knowledge. The rationale must be associated with the science experiment, else the idea is structured just as philosophical information.
Civil-sense knowledge is largely based on popular beliefs, ideas and concepts, handed through generations via a "culture legacy," contrary to scientific knowledge requiring theoretical basis and proof in testing. Knowledge of common sense is not questionable, that is, it simply defines why, but does not trace the roads that lead to a specific conclusion. On the other hand, scientific knowledge is designed to interpret and comprehend, using scientific techniques, all processes and steps of a concept or hypothesis.
3. List the three major field of human knowledge. What is the emphasis of each?(6)
1.) social science
Social science is a wide range of studies to understand the functioning, development and organization of society. All significant components of society are examined in sciences of society: their origins, historic processes, functioning, development features, social changes, conflicts, cultural traits and customs. S
2.) natural science
The scientific fields of natural sciences are intended to explore the broad and fundamental aspects of nature as well as all the laws and norms governing nature. Aspects such as life's behaviour are neglected from the natural sciences perspective and only variables that are naturally physical are noticed and investigated.
3.) humanities
The humanities are currently being defined as structured areas of study in specific areas: literature, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, languages, philosophy and history (although the latter is sometimes placed among the Social Sciences). In broad terms, it seems to us that specific fields of research have been selected and that structured knowledge bodies are divided into four primary fields - sciences, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences and professional research.
Name the main disciplines of social science and define the fields (8)
Social sciences are a series of academic disciplines that examine human aspects of individual behaviours and social organisation's operations and components. In contrast to formal disciplines like mathematics, logic or physics, social sciences are learning about living systems. They vary on the other hand from the natural sciences (which also study living systems) and on the basis of the complexities of behaviour and social consequences, the social science studies these systems. They are more connected with humanities, on the other hand, as both those who study a great amount of subjectivity and the community vary, while the social sciences stress the use of humanism.
Anthropology is a science which analyses man's social behaviour with regard to his/her physical and cultural features (Parodi, 2009). This is the forms and standards that culture takes in previous and current cultures. Sociology is responsible for researching human and societal connections. This means that their study objects are somewhat different. It can include, among many others, religion to family, division of the social classes or racial division and the formation of States. It aims at understanding societal stability and change and transformation process. History begins by identifying the time that prehistory has transitioned into history. Thereby, it is possible to study various times defined by various societies. For instance, there is medieval, current or modern history, but also religious history, art history, global history, among many others. The study of the collection of institutions, their norms and law systems relating to legality are accountable for the Law as a specialisation of social science. Political science is the field in which political ideas, practices, institutions and conduct are studied, described and analysed. The objective is to understand how power transfers are structured publicly and socially in political decision-making processes.
Define the ‘scientific method’ and briefly state the basic assumption which underlies the use of scientific knowledge
The scientific method is a technique of inquiry used mostly in the development of science. To be termed scientific, an empirical and measuring technique for research must be established and subject to the particular rules of reasoning tests.
Define social stratification. Name one dimension of social stratification. (2)
Stratification takes place in the three dimensions - economic, social and political - and in the classes, estates, and parties accordingly (phenomena that emerge from the uneven distribution of political, economic or social powder). The methodology approach of qualitative research is founded on the fact that social science research includes a significant socio-anthropological component, as descriptive aims demand this.
What is the qualitative method of inquiry?(2)
Appreciating the relationship between the real world and its subject, the link between the objective world and the subjectivity in the subject, and how the actors of society interpret the phenomena of social life can be achieved by explaining the truth and understanding the social sciences as reality reveals itself in its meanings.
Why is it difficult to formulate precise laws in social sciences? (2)
Only in respect to things can specific laws actually be defined. Objects may be examined, measured and observed, with predictable findings that enable scientists to build reasonable hypotheses which can then form the foundation for future study and investigation .
Why is it often impossible to study social problems using the experimental method?(4)
Science social has the right to choose its own role and therefore become conscious of the restricted tasks connecting its scientific activity; in this instance, it may utilize its own knowledge and awareness of its functions and functions.
10. Outline the interdisciplinary approach to the study of social problems (4)
Interdisciplinary studies include combining two or more academic fields in one action (e.g., a research project). It uses information from a number of different areas, such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, economics. It's about developing something with cross-border thinking (Wilcox, Rand R, 2013).
What new social science fields do you think will be important in ten years’ time ? Why do you think so? (4)
Overall, governmental funders and charitable organisations, have joined forces and developed the venues for the publication of the research they finance (OA). But its shape differs from place to region: Europe is predominantly gold and North America and Asia are typically green. Rapid artificial intelligence (AI) developments and technology have led to a thriving growth of these platforms. It is interoperable and the material may be accessed and displayed easily. As a consequence, there are fewer journals reliant on subscriptions. In order to post content not recorded by systems Mega journals with low publishing rates are available. Main company newspapers are still operational, several have a golden open access strategy, but are struggling in order to get manuscript entries. Preprints prosper in the globe and are connected to the final copies of the article which are still officially acknowledged. Researchers acquire information in different ways, e.g. through publications in tiny sizes and articles on a notepad. Advances in AI and technology have also given the opportunity to generate and report findings through new techniques. While the quality of research continues to play an essential role, journal publishing plays a role.
Total 40 marks (40% of course assessment )
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