3 Sept 2024

Final Project: Reflections on the Leadership Class

Literary Analysis Assignment Instructions

Literary Analysis Assignment Instructions

Step Description
1. Choose a Story Choose ONE story from class this semester or another published short story from the LibGuide.
2. Active Reading As you read the selected piece, practice active reading strategies, consider elements of genre, analysis, and research, and think critically about the story.
3. Write the Paper Write a paper in which you argue that the story has a certain point of view OR theme, a certain symbol, or can be read using a certain literary theory.
4. Use Evidence Use evidence from the literary work, in APA format in-text citations, to support your main arguments. The paper should be 500 words, double-spaced, and follow APA format.

Important Details

Due Date: December 6th, 10 PM


Initial Expectations

At the outset of this semester, I anticipated gaining a comprehensive understanding of leadership principles and theories. I was particularly interested in exploring the nuances of different leadership styles and their effectiveness in various contexts. I hoped to develop practical skills that could be applied to both personal and professional situations.

Effort Required

The class required more effort than I initially anticipated. The assignments and discussions were thought-provoking and often demanded in-depth analysis and reflection. The leadership portfolio, in particular, was a substantial undertaking that required me to delve into my own leadership philosophy and identify areas for growth.

Final Project: Reflections on the Leadership Class
Final Project: Reflections on the Leadership Class

Likes and Dislikes

One of the aspects I enjoyed most about the class was the opportunity to engage in group discussions and learn from the perspectives of my peers. These discussions often sparked new insights and challenged me to consider leadership from different angles. Additionally, the practical exercises, such as the leadership simulations, provided valuable hands-on experience.

While the class was overall enjoyable, I did find some of the readings to be quite dense and challenging to comprehend. At times, it felt like there was a lot of theoretical information to absorb without sufficient practical application.

Unexpected Learnings

One of the most unexpected things I learned was the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership. I had previously understood the concept of emotional intelligence, but I hadn't fully appreciated its significance in effective leadership. The class helped me to recognize how emotional intelligence can influence decision-making, communication, and relationships.

Most Valuable Learning

The most valuable thing I learned from this class is the importance of self-awareness in leadership. Understanding one's own strengths, weaknesses, values, and biases is essential for effective leadership. The leadership portfolio assignment was particularly helpful in this regard, as it forced me to confront my own assumptions and beliefs about leadership.

Impact on Career/Major Decision

While I have already chosen my major, this class has reinforced my belief that strong leadership skills will be essential for my future career. The insights and skills I have gained from this class will undoubtedly be valuable in any leadership role I may assume in the future.


I would definitely recommend this class to other students. It provides a solid foundation in leadership theory and practical skills. The class is challenging but rewarding, and the knowledge and skills gained will be beneficial in both personal and professional life.