3 Sept 2024

Personal Journal – Images of organization

Coursework #3: Personal Journal – Images of organization 


You should write a journal about one metaphor in Images of Organization that you are resonated with, connect it to a type of organizational structure we cover in class, and critically assess the potential strategic challenges in the metaphor and organizational structure. 

Personal Journal – Images of organization
Personal Journal – Images of organization 


Engage with literature

  • You are required to search extensively via Library service or on the web to look for book reviews and commentaries to help you write your journal. 
  • You should aim for 3-5 academic book reviews and/or commentaries, such as https://academy.nobl.io/gareth-morgan-organizational-metaphors/
  • You can choose to read the book Images of Organization if available; however, you are not required to buy the book because it is quite expensive. 


  • The paper should be structured as follows: 
  • What the metaphor you have chosen is about? A brief introduction about the metaphor 
  • What organizational structure is most likely to fit into the metaphor? A brief introduction about the organizational structure you refer to and a line of reasoning about why you think it fits the metaphor. 
  • What are some potential strategic challenges it may face? A short discussion


There is no minimum length. The maximum length is 300 words. 

You are required to use APA referencing style. 

Personal journal worth 10% of your overall assessment.

Please submit it on BB under Week 8. 

The deadline is 11:45am Thursday 2০ Nov (UK time).


Your work will be marked against the rubric below.

Grade Score Range Literature Engagement Theoretical Understanding Critical Writing Referencing
EXCELLENT 23-25 Exceptional journals show extensive literature search on the topic that go beyond expectations and demonstrate a very high level of engagement with the assignment. Exceptional demonstration of understanding of contexts. Excellent argument that is of the highest academic quality / Exceptionally clear and critical. Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions.
VERY GOOD 19-22 Journals do an excellent job of engaging with the extensive literature and demonstrate an excellent ability to engage with them to support the arguments. Demonstrates a good understanding of contexts with accurate explanations of concepts, definitions, and theories. Lucidity and economy of argument and writing / Clear, cogent and well-structured argument. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions, very minor/rare errors.
GOOD 15-18 Journals follow the requirement to search and engage with literature and provide comprehensive support to the arguments. Some understanding of contexts and/or a strong attempt to engage but with some errors in expression and/or clarity. Clear writing and argument but with possible lapses in economy / Some tendencies towards a clear and cogent argument. Referencing clear and mostly accurate using appropriate conventions.
SATISFACTORY 11-14 Journals do some or limited engagement with external literature and provide minimal support to the argument. Limited understanding of contexts and/or some attempt to cite concepts, definitions, and theories but with errors in expression and/or clarity. Unclear writing and weak argument but with some tendencies towards a cogent argument. Significant issues with referencing, not adhering to Harvard conventions.
UNSATISFACTORY 8-10 Journals lack engagement with the extensive literature. Little or no awareness of the wider context of the topic with incorrect citations of concepts, definition, and theories. Clumsy writing with weak or little analysis. Omission of references or very poor referencing.

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