25 Mar 2023

Human and animal languages

Human and animal languages

Our spoken language consists of invisible sound waves, so that someone may take the sound flow up and divide it. Just as it is hard to notice and understand the language that is uttered, it also needs excellent engine ability and coordination to generate speech. Language is moreover a social structure, which implies that the object's names are not connected naturally or logically. An animal is called simply a dog, since humans have decided to use the term 'dog' as symbol in the English culture throughout history. Human language is considerably superior to animal communication systems in terms of its complexity, flexibility, and specificity. However, in its basic parts and more advanced cognitive capacities, there are several notable similar characteristics. The language systems common to other animals and exclusive to human beings. The molecular signalling of the production of smells by gestures or sound systems like chirpings of birds, whaling, or bark of pigs from the meadows communicates to each individual animal in some manner. Nevertheless, although many of these modes of communication are clearly complicated, language itself (Grądz, 2018). When we view language as a medium of communication and expression, the study of sounds and gestures must be included (Rugani & Hevia, Dolores, 2017). The issue is immediate: Do they have a language similar to human humans, given that animals make noises and create gestures? Many kinds of animals are clearly interconnected. However, communication between humans and animals differs in seven ways described by linguists:
1) it contains two distinct but interconnected (oral and gestural) grammatic systems; 
2) it always communicates new elements; 
3) it differentiates the content from the form it takes;
4) the speech can be replaced by the hearing;
5) employed for specific reasons (intendancy is expressed behind what is stated);
6) Whether past and future may be what is stated,
7) Children learn adult language; it is passed down via generations.
But recent study has proven that many of these features aren't uniquely human (Grądz, 2018). However, with a certain certainty it can be argued that human language has certain features. Human humans link a few grammatical elements and independent signals to build an endless set of phrases that may not have previously been heard, spoken, read, written or thought. Children who have not yet learned the grammar of their language, use their language skills, as well as stimulus from the language community in which they were born, build their very own norms. Thus, a collection of may be dubbed a language for communication between animals. Thus, a collection of mental activities that can not only produce a "voice" but also "hear" or "understand," is required to allow communication between animals and be dubbed a language. The above assumes that for the birds the capacity to send and decode signals is what allows us to support a discursive language in certain species. In addition to manifesting pain and pleasure states with the sound, according to Pepperberg, (2017)certain birds have the capability to transmit messages in order to trigger the recipient of the message with the appropriate behaviour in the particular circumstances in which they are, for its purpose or purpose. It shows that noises generated by animals are intimately connected with the physiognomic peculiarities of different species indicated in this categorization, which reflected the hylomorphic connection postulated by Aristotle. According to the author, animals that do not make any natural noise can be found on an upward scale. Lung, trachea or larynx of animals belonging to this group are shown to be lacking in species (such as insects and fish), which emit noise, or sound that does not match voice. Thirdly, there are creatures that have a voice, but not a spoken language, with palm or trachea, missing a loose tongue. Little lung, trachea or larynx in animals of such group such as insects and fish show the creatures that create noise (or sound) which do not equate to a voice. Third, there are creatures with a voice but not an articulated language, with lungs or trachea, missing a loose tongue and lips like dolphins and ovipara like snakes or turtles (they whistle they hiss). Finally, there are animal species which communicate in articulated language using voice.


Grądz, K. (2018). Animal Language and Human Discourse. Animals and Their People, 253–266. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004386228_017
Pepperberg, I. M. (2017). Animal language studies: What happened? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(1), 181–185. https://doi.org/10.3758/s134230161101y
Rugani, R., & de Hevia, MariaDolores. (2017). Number space associations without language: Evidence from preverbal human infants and nonhuman animal species. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(2), 352–369. https://doi.org/10.3758/s1342301611262

Last Minute Assignments - BD

Last Minute Assignments - BD

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MODULE BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS ( Assessment 1 and 2; first Coursework)



SUBMISSION BY STUDENTS:  Component 1: 12-04-21 Midnight Component 2: 26-04-21 Midnight

SUBMISSION LOCATION:  On the MyBeckett module page using the Turnitin icon

Coursework Brief: 

Coursework Brief: 

Component 1 (group)

The entrepreneurial sales process is different.  In an established business you have history, you have statistics to help you.  In a start up you don’t.  One of the key points coming out of Steve Blank’s Four Steps to Epiphany is the need once you have validated the problem and began to develop the solution is to consider how to develop a sales channel and a sales process.  This means understanding the customer, how they think, what the gains and pains are for them.  

Therefore, this assignment picks up on these themes explored in the Market Focus module if you have taken that and the work under Strategic Thinking and the development of personas.  Under Steve Blank’s CDP process the second step is customer validation.  This means exploring the influencers, the pitches, the rationale, the publications, and the conferences that your target customers listen to inform their opinion and reference points.  We want you to explore this process.

Therefore Assignment 1 is a technical document, the student group must create a (real) case of customer development via the construction of a sales protocol. To achieve this, you need to choose the product of a start-up business and develop for them a sales protocol based on what you can apply from your studies and nature of the business – if you see companies like https://thegutstuff.com/ they are very clear on their sales pitch to you as the consumer.  So, one means to undertake this assignment is explore the likes of kickstarter for suitable products and develop a sales pitch for them based on the information they detail about themselves.

In doing this you must provide strong evidence of the correct use of adequate analytic tools (preferably from a quantitative perspective) and concepts exposed in the development of this module. Students need to consider focusing on the following:

  • Comprehensive creation of a customer profile
  • Key Relations between customer and stakeholders and who are the influencers that can assist the startup
  • Design a customer management plan and negotiation strategy (for instructional purpose), based on the customer journey with evident and explicit inclusion on other relevant tools.

The student should demonstrate that can evaluate and apply concepts, tools and techniques of Building relationships; analyse and evaluate the relationship between strategic objectives/intent and operational/resource planning in terms of successful strategic customer management and negotiation planning; and evaluate the impact of culture, politics, stake-holder influence; social and ethical issues on the formulation and the strategic customer/stakeholder management and negotiation, to presented in the form of an instructional sales protocol.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the sections of recommendations and customer profile must be evident in the document!

Component 2 (individual): Students could adopt many different approaches for the development of the reflective log, but are advised to develop a critical argument in depth and detail; the key objective being to explore the differences between the relationship management in startups to other established organisations; explaining the evolution of their rationale in the design of the customer profile and negotiation strategy – sales protocol, supported by quantitative analysis -  if possible -  and strong use of updated evidence of their participation on the tasks scheduled in the development of the module.  

For example, students could consider focusing on the following:

•Strategic Decision Making - how the understanding of the customer and its environment was used to develop the sales protocol and the negotiation plan, through the active planning and participation in the tasks of this module?

•How the understanding of stakeholder relationships was incorporated in the design of the negotiation plan? 

•How did you gain understanding of the tools and concepts of the module and hoe these were applied in the tasks and the development of the sales protocol?

Notes for Students: 

Instructions for completion and submission of written assignment

  • Module Learning Outcomes assessed by this component: The student should demonstrate that elements related with all the learning outcomes (see module handbook) are present in the discussion and analysis developed in the reflective log.
  • This assessment is worth Component 1: 30% and Component 2: 70% of the marks for the module;
  • You must submit your assessment electronically on My Beckett using the Turnitin icon;
  • The word count is for the component 1: 2000 words and for component 2: 3500 words, both plus/minus 10% 
  • Words included in the bibliography are not included in the word count;
  • You should only use Harvard referencing; 
  • Any websites referred to must be properly referenced;
  • The text of your assessment must be displayed using a 12-point (or larger) Arial or Verdana font and with a line spacing of at least 1.5.

Component 1 (group): 

The entrepreneurial sales process is different.  In an established business you have history, you have statistics to help you.  In a start up you don’t.  One of the key points coming out of Steve Blank’s Four Steps to Epiphany is the need once you have validated the problem and began to develop the solution is to consider how to develop a sales channel and a sales process.  This means understanding the customer, how they think, what the gains and pains are for them.  

Therefore, this assignment picks up on these themes explored in the Market Focus module if you have taken that and the work under Strategic Thinking and the development of personas.  Under Steve Blank’s CDP process the second step is customer validation.  This means exploring the influencers, the pitches, the rationale, the publications, and the conferences that your target customers listen to inform their opinion and reference points.  We want you to explore this process.

Therefore Assignment 1 is a technical document, the student group must create a (real) case of customer development via the construction of a sales protocol. To achieve this, you need to choose the product of a start-up business and develop for them a sales protocol based on what you can apply from your studies and nature of the business – if you see companies like https://thegutstuff.com/ they are very clear on their sales pitch to you as the consumer.  So, one means to undertake this assignment is explore the likes of kickstarter for suitable products and develop a sales pitch for them based on the information they detail about themselves.

In doing this you must provide strong evidence of the correct use of adequate analytic tools (preferably from a quantitative perspective) and concepts exposed in the development of this module. Students need to consider focusing on the following:

Comprehensive creation of a customer profile

Key Relations between customer and stakeholders and who are the influencers that can assist the startup

Design a customer management plan and negotiation strategy (for instructional purpose), based on the customer journey with evident and explicit inclusion on other relevant tools.

The student should demonstrate that can evaluate and apply concepts, tools and techniques of Building relationships; analyse and evaluate the relationship between strategic objectives/intent and operational/resource planning in terms of successful strategic customer management and negotiation planning; and evaluate the impact of culture, politics, stake-holder influence; social and ethical issues on the formulation and the strategic customer/stakeholder management and negotiation, to presented in the form of an instructional sales protocol.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the sections of recommendations and customer profile must be evident in the document!

Component 2 (individual): Students could adopt many different approaches for the development of the reflective log, but are advised to develop a critical argument in depth and detail; the key objective being to explore the differences between the relationship management in startups to other established organisations; explaining the evolution of their rationale in the design of the customer profile and negotiation strategy – sales protocol, supported by quantitative analysis -  if possible -  and strong use of updated evidence of their participation on the tasks scheduled in the development of the module.  

For example, students could consider focusing on the following:

•Strategic Decision Making - how the understanding of the customer and its environment was used to develop the sales protocol and the negotiation plan, through the active planning and participation in the tasks of this module?

•How the understanding of stakeholder relationships was incorporated in the design of the negotiation plan? 

•How did you gain understanding of the tools and concepts of the module and hoe these were applied in the tasks and the development of the sales protocol?

Notes for Students: 

Instructions for completion and submission of written assignment

Module Learning Outcomes assessed by this component: The student should demonstrate that elements related with all the learning outcomes (see module handbook) are present in the discussion and analysis developed in the reflective log.

This assessment is worth Component 1: 30% and Component 2: 70% of the marks for the module;

You must submit your assessment electronically on My Beckett using the Turnitin icon;

The word count is for the component 1: 2000 words and for component 2: 3500 words, both plus/minus 10% 

Words included in the bibliography are not included in the word count;

You should only use Harvard referencing; 

Any websites referred to must be properly referenced;

The text of your assessment must be displayed using a 12-point (or larger) Arial or Verdana font and with a line spacing of at least 1.5.


Date generic feedback will be available:Within four weeks of the assessment period, subject to the date set for the release of results

Component 1: 12-05-21

Component 2: 12-05-21

How generic feedback will be returned to you:Posted on the module on MyBeckett.

Date provisional marks will be availableWithin four weeks of the assessment period, subject to the date set for the release of results

Component 1: 12-05-21

Component 2: 12-05-21

How provisional marks will be returned to you:Posted on the module on MyBeckett.

Date individual feedback will availableFollowing the Module Board and the return of all scripts from the External Examiner

Component 1: 12-05-21

Component 2: 12-05-21

How individual feedback will be returned to you:By collection of assessments as directed by your Admin Team

Course Title(s):

Module Title: Building RelationshipsLevel:H7

Assessment Title: Component 1 - Sales Protocol (Technical report)Weighting: 30%

Criteria and Weighting100-8584-7069-6059-5049-4039-3029-1514-0

Critically evaluate and apply concepts, tools and techniques for building relationships The student will demonstrate an excellent grasp of the theories and concepts. 

 There will be clear understanding of the value of the concept/theory in this situation.

  There will be abundant evidence of wide reading, research and good critical evaluation of concepts/theories around the issuesThe student will demonstrate an excellent grasp of the theories and concepts. 

 There will be clear understanding of the value of the concept/theory in this situation.

  There will be abundant evidence of wide reading, research and good critical evaluation of concepts/theories around the issues The student will demonstrate a good grasp of the concepts/theories.

  Most of the relevant information is accurately presented and critically deployed with evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories. The student will demonstrate a good grasp of the concepts/theories.

  Most of the relevant information is accurately presented and critically deployed with evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories. The work will have no major factual errors.

 The student will have demonstrated adequate/some understanding of the theories and concepts.  

Fair/some evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided. There will be major errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions.

  Significant aspects of the theories/concepts will be missing or misunderstood.  

Poor or no evidence or reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided There will be major errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions.

  Significant aspects of the theories/concepts will be missing or misunderstood.  

Poor or no evidence or reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided There will be major errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions.

  Significant aspects of the theories/concepts will be missing or misunderstood.  

Poor or no evidence or reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided

Professional analysis and presentation of relationship between strategic profile elements and the negotiation design. objectives/intent and operational/resource planning in terms of successful strategic customer management and negotiation All the major issues and some less obvious ones will have been identified.

 The analysis of the case will be thorough and comprehensive, and there will be an outstanding integration of theory and practice.  All the major issues and some less obvious ones will have been identified.

 The analysis of the case will be thorough and comprehensive, and there will be an outstanding integration of theory and practice.  All the major issues will be identified.

  Analysis of the case will be thorough and there will be good integration of theory and practice.  All the major issues will be identified.

  Analysis of the case will be thorough and there will be good integration of theory and practice.  The work will have no major factual errors.

 The student will have demonstrated adequate/some understanding of the theories and concepts.  

Fair/some evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided.There will be little/no evidence that the theory/concepts have been applied to the case organisation / situation being analysed.

  Analysis will be superficial, mostly descriptive, with major issues being missed.  There will be little/no evidence that the theory/concepts have been applied to the case organisation / situation being analysed.

  Analysis will be superficial, mostly descriptive, with major issues being missed.  There will be little/no evidence that the theory/concepts have been applied to the case organisation / situation being analysed.

  Analysis will be superficial, mostly descriptive, with major issues being missed.  

Evaluate the impact of different stakeholder influence elements, , social and ethical issues on the strategic customer/stakeholder management and its influence on the negotiation design. Recommendations will be comprehensive, and clearly demonstrate the integration of theory and practice.

Recommendations relating to this will be appropriate, accurate, specific and justifiable - well supported by evidence and critical analysis Recommendations will be comprehensive, and clearly demonstrate the integration of theory and practice.

 Recommendations relating to this will be appropriate, accurate, specific and justifiable - well supported by evidence and critical analysisRecommendations will clearly derive from the analysis and the application of concepts/theories; 

Recommendations will be adequate, supported by good evidence and critical analysis. Recommendations (will clearly derive from the analysis and the application of concepts/theories; 

Recommendations will be adequate, supported by good evidence and critical analysis .Recommendations made will be practical.

Consideration will have been given to the problems of implementation. (Some) evidence and analysis is provided to support the Recommendations (for the report)Recommendations will be vague, general, based on ‘common sense’. 

Poor or no evidence/analysis supports the Recommendations 

Recommendations will be vague, general, based on ‘common sense’. 

Poor or no evidence/analysis supports the Recommendations 

Recommendations will be vague, general, based on ‘common sense’. 

Poor or no evidence/analysis supports the Recommendations 

Course Title(s):

Module Title:Building relationshipsLevel:H7

Assessment Title:Component 2 -  Reflective logWeighting: 70%

Criteria and Weighting100-8584-7069-6059-5049-4039-3029-1514-0

Critically evaluate and apply concepts, tools and techniques of building relationships.The student will demonstrate an excellent grasp of the theories and concepts. 

 There will be clear understanding of the value of the concept/theory in the development of the case.

  There will be abundant evidence of wide reading, research and good critical evaluation of concepts/theories around the issuesThe student will demonstrate an excellent grasp of the theories and concepts. 

 There will be clear understanding of the value of the concept/theory in this situation.

  There will be abundant evidence of wide reading, research and good critical evaluation of concepts/theories around the issuesThe student will demonstrate a good grasp of the concepts/theories.

  Most of the relevant information is accurately presented and critically deployed with evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories.The student will demonstrate a good grasp of the concepts/theories.

  Most of the relevant information is accurately presented and critically deployed with evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories.The work will have no major factual errors.

 The student will have demonstrated adequate/some understanding of the theories and concepts.  

Fair/some evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided.There will be major errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions.

  Significant aspects of the theories/concepts will be missing or misunderstood.  

Poor or no evidence or reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is providedThere will be major errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions.

  Significant aspects of the theories/concepts will be missing or misunderstood.  

Poor or no evidence or reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is providedThere will be major errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions.

  Significant aspects of the theories/concepts will be missing or misunderstood.  

Poor or no evidence or reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided

Critically analyse and evaluate the relationship between strategic objectives/intent and operational/resource planning in terms of successful profile and design a plan for customer management and negotiationAll the major issues and some less obvious ones will have been identified.

 The analysis of the development of the case will be thorough and comprehensive, and there will be an outstanding integration of theory and practice.  All the major issues and some less obvious ones will have been identified.

 The analysis of the development of the case will be thorough and comprehensive, and there will be an outstanding integration of theory and practice.  All the major issues will be identified.

  Analysis of the development of the case will be thorough and there will be good integration of theory and practice.  All the major issues will be identified.

  Analysis of the development of the case case will be thorough and there will be good integration of theory and practice.  The work will have no major factual errors.

 The student will have demonstrated adequate/some understanding of the theories and concepts.  

Fair/some evidence of reading, research and critical evaluation of concepts/theories is provided.There will be little/no evidence that the theory/concepts have been applied to the case organisation / situation being analysed.

  Analysis will be superficial, mostly descriptive, with major issues being missed.  There will be little/no evidence that the theory/concepts have been applied to the case organisation / situation being analysed.

  Analysis will be superficial, mostly descriptive, with major issues being missed.  There will be little/no evidence that the theory/concepts have been applied to the case organisation / situation being analysed.

  Analysis will be superficial, mostly descriptive, with major issues being missed.  

Evaluate the impact of organisation culture, Politics, stake-holder influence, social responsibility and ethical issues on strategy formulation and the strategic decision making process.Conclusions (for the poster) will be comprehensive, and clearly demonstrate the integration of theory and practice.

 Conclusions (for the poster) relating to this will be appropriate, accurate,  specific and justifiable - well supported by evidence and critical analysisConclusions (for the poster) will be comprehensive, and clearly demonstrate the integration of theory and practice.

 Conclusions (for the poster) relating to this will be appropriate, accurate,  specific and justifiable - well supported by evidence and critical analysis Conclusions (for the poster) will clearly derive from the analysis and the application of concepts/theories; 

The Conclusions (for the poster) will be adequate, supported by good evidence and critical analysis .Conclusions (for the poster) will clearly derive from the analysis and the application of concepts/theories; 

The Conclusions (for the poster) will be adequate, supported by good evidence and critical analysis. The Conclusions (for the poster) made will be practical.

Consideration will have been given to the problems of implementation. (Some) evidence and analysis is provided to support the Conclusions (for the poster).Conclusions (for the poster) will be vague, general, based on ‘common sense’. 

Poor or no evidence/analysis supports the Conclusions (for the poster) 

Conclusions (for the poster) will be vague, general, based on ‘common sense’. 

Poor or no evidence/analysis supports the Conclusions (for the poster) 

Conclusions (for the poster) will be vague, general, based on ‘common sense’. 

Poor or no evidence/analysis supports the Conclusions (for the poster) 


Building Customer Relationships strategy of Gemak Ltd.


Building Customer Relationships strategy of Gemak Ltd.


Being able to draw future panoramas and understand what is at stake for the foreseeable future is fundamental for the management of each and every sector. The whim in sales forecasting will allow us to have an accurate view of the progress of the business, schedule investments, anticipate market trends and plan more profitable and effective strategies according to the reality of the company.

Segment and empower our team

Every good sales manager understands that he always has to deal with consumers in various segments and requirements. Here, segmentation and preparation can be provided for the sales team itself and prepared for different forms of market processes and agreements. The team that operates with sales in practice still must be all informed of the value, terminology, payment process, goods in stock and customer profile. The workers should then better satisfy any customer profile, reflecting more successful outcomes. It is also necessary to motivate the team (Mithas et al., 2005).

Align Marketing and Sales

Sales administration

Align sales and marketing Indeed, offering a decent product or service is not enough. It has been found that many entrepreneurs in management ignoring that it is important to work together with the marketing sector in order to maximize revenue (Keiningham et al., 2006). It must be remembered that this sector generates demand such that transactions take place in a productive manner and that the corporation is successful. Marketing thus has the purpose of gathering the market information required defining target demographic, potential customer requirements, and other matters to raise consumers' interest in buying the product / service. Thus, the marketing purpose is to gather the market data needed to enhance consumer engagement in purchased product/service provided by the Firm (the concept of target audience, needs of potential customers, etc. A strong marketing management works with the sales department to achieve further targets at the lowest possible expense such that the best connections will become buyers (Sargeant, 2002). 

Build customer loyalty

Sales management retention of existing clients As I have already pointed out above, it is important for managers to maintain a strong relationship with current customers. It is, of course, necessary to capture new consumers; but it is still more relevant to keep the audience faithful. Satisfied consumers and potential customers drive additional revenue. The next step is to chart and design loyalty measures the most assiduous and productive customers. Differential investment is one potential direction the differential of a business can be excellent and personalized service. Additionally, it offers benefits, gifts and special deals. In addition to enhancing communication with the public through emails and social networks, other techniques include benefits, gifts and special promotions. The main thing is to respect those customers who trust our enterprise and keep strengthening this confidence (Verhoef, 2003).

Control of revenue

Application of sales control technology the administration of revenue works with several records, identification documents, orders, receipts, budgets and commissions. I know how. In addition to promoting the preparation of future programs, the technology is a bunch ally in order to simplify the enterprise and to make the figures more accurate and agile. It is the only distribution tool that incorporates ERP systems and provides many management and commercial features. Since it is the only ERP device integrated sales network that provides a number of management and commercial functionalities. This involves handling business communications, planning plans and budgets automatically for tax estimates, and designing various digital workflows for the sales process. One don't need to think if we are new to this kind of scheme (Verhoef, 2003).

Customer service

The sales method can be described in two ways. The first is to maintain the emphasis of the process at the business stages: prospecting, demonstration, bargaining, closure and after sales. The customer engagement begins to operate and continues to the end user, considered to be a core element of the market plan. To realize that consumers are not only figures, but individuals, it is essential for the business to be opened. The behaviour of people has evolved over the years, owing to a dynamic economic scenario and technical progress (Keiningham et al., 2006). Since the connection is essential for the organisation, a competent tactic is required to succeed and the desired outcomes can be achieved. The corporation would then use resources to improve this consumer partnership. The use of management technologies is one of the major technical techniques because it is a customer relationship system (Sargeant, 2002). In one level or another, the client is not always. And this isn't the stage we're really thinking about. A presentation stage for the business could only be a consumer awareness of the product. Or, for example, directly after the presentation, he should start negotiating principles and conditions without giving his business a price. For instance, without allowing his organization time to think about a bargaining plan he will start to negotiate principles and conditions directly after the presentation (Keiningham et al., 2006).

Strategies for Consumer Relations

We should settle on a purchase using the best content

Corporate Blog

This is one of the partnership tactics that worked very well for many businesses who use content marketing to draw clients, prospects or even introduce their companies to people who are searching for an internet search engine related topic. The purpose here is to pick keywords that are very popular on the internet that apply to our company, and write articles for our audience on a blog that contain important and interesting material. we will launch our partnership with potential customers by demonstrating to current customers the level of knowledge we need about the solution or the pertinent details we need. It can even be closed sometimes (Keiningham et al., 2006). Perhaps, if a client taps on the correct call to action on our website it is also possible to close a deal. A second approach used to improve client relationships is to include rich content, such as tutorials, e-books, tech test drives, etc., to enable the user to keep details, such as name and email (Reinartz et al., 2004).

E-mail marketing and newsletters

This approach is closely related to the previous consumer partnership. Although the customer can still allow newsletters to be sent through leaving contact information. But it only succeeds if the right people get the correct email. This is what we said and stressed: selling relationships means knowing the clients! There is also no point in selling it to him again if our sale or CRM scheme says that the consumer already has bought one piece. That's what we meant and emphasized the selling of relationships involves knowing the clients (Reinartz et al., 2004).

Stories Videos

Well-constructed videos and a YouTube channel will still enhance the consumer relationship. Even because we will be able to use them on some other social sites, such as on Facebook, in addition to the site and in the emails commented above. Whenever data from visitors to our social networks can be collected, they will have the potential to post the video with friends or comment.

Personal visits

For those who are selling B2B in particular, personal visits are very relevant and can be included as much as possible as possible in their approach. And the key, do we know? We also spoke about it: showing that we know the client, know the answer that one give, and how it can fix a problem we have. This is what we have to do during our personal visit: prove how involved and studied we are in helping our customers find a solution. Access these posts that we have picked to find more tips about how to have a successful personal visit (Keiningham et al., 2006).

Knowing what consumer services are everywhere around us is understanding. They will both learn from this atmosphere of customer love. This ethos must be disseminated in order to maximize the results of the whole business. This is because the big task of a business method lies precisely in this: making the sales flow more efficient and making the team work with consumers more successful. The overall business operation is visible across systems such as CRM software. Furthermore, the distribution process is easier managed. Still, in order to make good use of the power of instruments like this, this mechanism must be structured correctly. Moreover, the management of distribution operations is facilitated. However, it is important to get this method well planned and managed in order to use the full potentials of such methods. We can learn in this article how to structure a sales group in line with the business process. We should take advantage of CRM in that sense (Reinartz et al., 2004).

Stakeholder relationships 

The core effects of the partnership stem from these extra-functional advantages: word of mouth publicity and client loyalty. The comprehension of interpersonal problems involved in a partnership comes only through the development of information about the actions of the customer, a topic about which the firms consulted are reluctant. The implications are not small: distancing ourself from consumers leads businesses to "add value" through qualities and advantages with low customer representativeness and forgets that the interaction itself has an effect on the sense of value in terms of connection marketing. Long-term and relative value and advantages (Sargeant, 2002). Value and incentives assume different significances for consumers than are usual in sales, in a long-term and social context since they have confidence and loyalty (Sargeant, 2002). Clients see the firm not only as a supplier of product-related benefits, but also as a relatively important factor in their selection. In brief, the interviews revealed a considerable difference between what the dominant literature prescribes for partnership marketing and the activities of the firms surveyed. Although the study focusing on corporate practice has been given priority in this topic, it should be remembered that such findings merit reflection. Although an analytical study on corporate practice has been prioritized in this discussion topic, it should be taken into account that such findings merit reflection in connection with the theoretical development of this marketing sector. Since this discipline is a matter of implementation, it is often debated whether the academic information created can be implemented from a managerial point of view. The theory developed by the marketing industry is relevant. In this case, the difficulty of implementing and generating marketing outcomes justify concerns about the scientific foundations that underpin it, so that it can be done (Sargeant, 2002). Here, challenges in implementing and achieving outcomes in partnership marketing justify concerns about their theoretical bases, such that the divorce between dominant ideology and practical reality can be seen more as a weakness of the former than of the latter. Similar focus should be put on industry practices by marketing scholars in this field of study in relation to theory in use (Chalmeta, 2006). 

Strategic Decision Making

Thus, the cultural, strategic and financial aspects of companies are partly related to marketing. Since the narrow perception of the nature of the interaction with consumers is normally responsible for carrying out the procedure, shortcomings in this dimension deter others. Technology is often dismissed as just the last phase in the culture-starting process and the approach (Sargeant, 2002). In this distortion, North American companies see the same challenges facing management as they analyse the competition and the competitors. Investments in infrastructure and database according to managers surveyed in their analysis. Investment in technologies and database instruments is justified in the light of the ease with which they served firms in line with their rivals according to managers consulted in their report. Unwitting the particulars of the tactics that other companies created; managers regarded technical instruments as a key benchmark in an effort to maintain their organization's competitiveness. t is fair to believe that market surveillance sometimes stays on the surface and several decisions are taken. The regular reaffirmation of the need to take steps, backed by a millionaire demand in CRM technology platforms, contributes in particular. The recurrent confirmation that the demand is needed for CRM technology systems is reinforced by the emergence of a millionaire market, which in particular leads to widespread insecurities which eventually lead to a decision: investment, to be mitigated. Therefore, a sample of the features of today's corporate world continues to be behind the application of partnership marketing. Indeed, factors that promoted a new social model, were more rooted in partnership and less in rivalry, were among the drivers of its emergence and its growth (Chalmeta, 2006). Customer relationship is a type of business-consumer co-operation. It is therefore unquestionable that customer relationships often have a role in the relationship between the company and other stakeholders, particularly suppliers. It becomes a collective approach that is inherently competitive and represents an evolutionary paradigm that makes it hard to thrive if it is not absorbed. Work with firms and manufacturers is carried out in particular in manufacturing fields and reinforces the alliance between so-called B2B, the most important examples of which are in the automotive industries. Relations with providers are more distant in the services market, which constitutes the majority of the sample in this study. The businesses interviewed therefore could be resentful about a lack of B2B expertise which will make the execution of the B2C partnership easier, considering the various discrepancies. It is normal that the problems in an attainment would get exacerbated if B2B connections are often difficult and painful (Sargeant, 2002). 

Understanding of the customer and its environment

It should be noted also that in scholarly circles, partnership marketing did not arise in a manner foreign to the socio-cultural environment of the time; hence it did not derive essentially from business influences. Indeed, one  of the drivers. If B2B contacts themselves are often complicated and unpleasant, the challenges in attempting to establish more complex connections, as in B2C, are naturally exacerbated. The extent of the challenge of the B2C partnership is corroborated by the fact that it takes on great significance, especially elements that are not simply functional. Firms who interpret the connection as a synonym for retaining customers or only repeating shopping are wrong; if they do so, they ignore the emotional component of this association that, for reasons which go beyond practical reasons, unites companies and customers. 

The design of the negotiation plan

Managers are mindful of the potential of partnership marketing, but understand the problem of transforming it into a component of the ethos and ideals of their businesses. They are happy to create individual programs which have little impact, considering their relationship to the main business of the group.  The position of a global strategic component for businesses remains limited; marketing relationships are seen to have either a marketing objective or similar fields, but there are still some essential prerequisites for their execution, for example, consumer awareness.  Technological techniques without an absolute master are used in an even restricted way. Technological methods without full control over their ability are used in an even limited manner. In other cases, the function of support is disregarded and is regarded as a fundamental feature (Chalmeta, 2006).

Relationship strategies to overcome bad times

Many other routines are frustrating there seem at times to be difficulties and obstacles and we always feel trapped. But if one cense a psychological struggle every day, one should know how to think and call for assistance (Reinartz et al., 2004).

Similarly, while the sectors of the businesses consulted were anchored in the literature, one is significant industry was excluded: industries. This operation comprises an articulate part of the major national corporations and, while it is not a sector which is used to B2C relation activities, it is not advisable to exclude that such firms are in any way willing to take certain measures. Furthermore, holding an interview with each firm's representative is susceptible to bias as it only uses a perspective of the role of the corporation on the subject (Sargeant, 2002). Conducting more than one times interview per firm or even consulting other forms of evidence such as transcripts, journals and press reports will reduce reliance on a single informant's reports, thereby enabling the confrontation of facts and expectations. In the case of prospective science, experiments to assess academic production's significance in relation to partnership marketing should be promoted (Sargeant, 2002). Here, in this report, we essentially worked on the distinction between the recommendations of the prevailing academic philosophy and the results of firms, which show the key differences between them. The logical result was an analysis of this premise. The pragmatic effect of following this premise was an investigation based nearly entirely on whether or not the companies interviewed were adequate to the most previewed concepts (Sargeant, 2002). Nevertheless, the findings of this study can be analysed in a different way and priority given to the prevalent reporting theory rather than the business standard. Around the same time as theoretical prescriptions can be seen to be inadequate by firms, it is often possible to take the reverse approach, showing that company and customer behaviours cannot be defined by theory in practice. Managers interviewed expressed their interest and support for the design. Interviewed managers expressed enthusiasm and support for the concepts of partnership marketing but were tentative and reluctant to apply some of them. Demand differences, corporate shortcomings and different contexts were seen as obstacles to the attainment of many of the foundations of marketing. In order to attest their real importance by accurate measurements, managers have suggested the need to assess the cost-effective ratio of partnership marketing behaviour (Chalmeta, 2006).

It's always nice to see other people love us and share the weight of uncertainty. Especially if one can have co-founders. As soon as the partner left the firm due to family issues, the dilemma began, one of the company's co- founders. Thus, they realized that the firm was not about to walk out, apart from feeling mentally shaken for the main cause of this encounter. When they won a major new account in the middle of the year that can be the difference between career and personal achievement and inability to recognize and deal with it. Everyone has their own way of dealing with tension. However, below are some key items which can play a decisive role. There are no customer relationship strategies that succeed, thus, if we cannot have a positive relationship with our company (Reinartz et al., 2004). 

Marketing: use the customer as a creative partner

Thus, the more randomly consumers arrive, the more durable our company is. There are several experiments in this field and the nearly unanimous finding is that a customer who is transferred continues to be loyal (stay longer) and more likely to opt for more costly plans (Upselling) (Chalmeta, 2006). Many of the targeting tasks of the potential clients are to persuade themselves of the best product or service on the market (or niche market) What if we can assist with the challenge by our new customers? This is the objective and the marketing industry is one of the first sectors to see this positive impact. The accidental viral promotion and delivery of a product or service significantly reduces the expense of buying new consumers! This is a key measure for many companies’ today's long-term wellbeing. Thus, the more clients randomly arrive, the longer our company is "durable." There are many trials in this field and a customer is nearly unanimous (Sargeant, 2002).

Sales & Finance: learning to smile is just the beginning

Customer support is closely associated with sales, which is the means by which negotiations often and most always take place. Even the man of the financial department must also fully appreciate customer service. More tips on how to be a good seller in the 21st century have been given in one  of the latest posts. Customer needs to be trained initially to address the incredibly high risks posed by the environment in which they compete for space, especially for start-ups. And much more consolidated and fewer rising enterprises and markets. And in companies and industries that are much more consolidated and have less risks, we have a company only if customers are able to pay for it (Reinartz et al., 2004). 

And revenue, the simple insight into our finance and the clearest indicator that our enterprise is doing well come with the customers. When the project increases, the effect of the service on our business' financial aspect is latent and very vulnerable. We then have a clear connection, a positive circle of good quality, more sales, more revenue, and therefore a more and more consumer-friendly enterprise. The below is a scheme which may be a decent overview of the following (Chalmeta, 2006).

Customer wins, we win

The field of client relationships (also known as after-sales), where it is not sufficient to help but to know where and how our product provides value for those who purchase it. We need to be able to handle disputes, we need to have strong staff here (after all, not all consumers are courteous and long-suffering). And let them know, of course, precisely what quality customer service is. The NPS (Net Promoter Score), a model of customer satisfaction survey which calculates the number of customers promoting our business, is an indication of how our company does this (Sargeant, 2002).

And if this field is concerned solely with Marketing or Consumer Success, and not just with the customer, the pione er in this environment must be mindful of the strong customer experience and its value. Well represented customer. This index is multinational and can be compared to big corporations such as Apple. This site is available for us: NPS Index Why are we commenting on it all? Great customer support is an essential condition for this sector, which in the last few years has become so important. In accordance with industry indications, it costs almost 7 times more to draw new buyers than to retain one (Chalmeta, 2006). The rate of consumer loss thus harms every organization quite financially, and retaining decent customer service requires decreasing it over the long term (Reinartz et al., 2004).


In this area, consumer needs (specification) are mostly transposed into product requirements (software, refrigerator or even service) This area is responsible for. He should grasp customer support very well as the emphasis and direction of the actions in this field has a positive effect! Recall that the management of the number of actions and changes for the number of individuals in the group is one of the greatest difficulties. In general, the team is always less numerous than needed to simultaneously grow anything. Focusing on consumer needs is therefore essential to have a better product than our rival and quick. And if the area is concerned.If this field is concerned solely with Marketing or Consumer Success, and not just with the customer, the pioneer er in this environment must be mindful of the strong customer experience and its value.


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Management Skills Application Exercises

Management Skills Application Exercises

After reading Chapter 13. 

locate the following Management Skills Application Exercises: • What Are Your Bases of Power? • How Politkal Are You? Follow the Instructions for both questIona ries and score your responses. After completing the questionnaires go to Appendix 8, scroll down to Ch 13 and score your responses. 

Management Skills Application Exercises

In regard to your base of power questionnaire and power category, respond to the following questions: 1. What does your power profile look like? (expand on this response and go Into the positives and negatives) 2. Does this seem lobe an accurate reflection of your actual situation? IDo not Just simply say 'yes" or 'no", expand on the respond and how this will impact your role in an organisation. 3. If you wished to change your power bases, whlch would you change? 4. How would you try to change these bases? (provided substantwe responses) In regard to "how political are you" questionnaire responses and ratings, respond to the following questions: 5. What have you learned about political behavior In organizations? 6. What implications follow from these results concerning your future management styli? 

 1. What does your power profile look like? (expand on this response and go into the positives and negatives)

I am very excited to achieve my goals well and successfully. That's because I want something done and particularly with Obsessive power profile r to be done almost perfectly when I have a goal.

I will have tremendous difficulty in understanding and communicating my feelings as I am not flexible in my religious or ethical convictions, I would prefer to treat emotions like machines. Together with their need to fulfil expectations, they are hardship in their duties, exposed to tension even more than a non-obstinate human (Liu, 2021).

2. Does this seem lobe an accurate reflection of your actual situation? I Do not Just simply say 'yes" or 'no", expand on the respond and how this will impact your role in an organisation. 

The profile accurately reflects me. As Organizations are essentially political entities, and authority and control are essential tools for doing stuff. My political profile therefore it will increase my power diagnosis and analysis, exposing me to successful and relevant influential approaches, and explaining how power and authority can be used to create co-operation and facilitate progress in organisations (Fodor & Riordan, 1995).

3. If you wished to change your power bases, which would you change? 

The lack of a good personality is the start of failure. Just those willing to stand out have a shot and more in politics in this hyperconnected world, where facts and communications of all types are permanently bombarded. So, to change my obsessive behaviour I need to have 

  • Sense of intellectual or moral superiority
  • Belief of deserving special treatment
  • Interpersonal exploitation, does not hesitate to lie, take advantage of others and secretly or openly betray whoever it takes to achieve his personal goals.
  • Lack of empathy and sensitivity to criticism

4. How would you try to change these bases? (provided substant we responses) In regard to "how political are you" questionnaire responses and ratings, respond to the following questions: 

The concern is that this fascination with order and laws are frequently disregarded and the key purpose of the operation is out of view. In reality, far from facilitating their daily lives, such characteristics are an obstacle which can harm their jobs, interpersonal relationships and cause considerable discomfort. Works hard and is accurate and systematic. They have a far brighter skill and professionalism than their personality. I do it carefully and keeps himself within legal limits. I take a long but stable decision-making approach. It takes account of dynamic variables and spends extraordinary time avoiding errors.

5. What have you learned about political behaviour in organizations? 

Any behaviour would be regarded as democratic. However, the belief that individuals or organizations achieve something at the detriment of other workers, groups, or the organisation is also linked to calling action politics.

  • These are attempts at social influence.
  • They are discretionary, that is, they fall outside the prescribed or prohibited areas - by the organization.
  • They are designed and intended to promote and protect personal or group attempts.

6. What implications follow from these results concerning your future management style?

Power is a central aspect of an organisation, which I could find in the preparation of this work. While in industries there are different forms of control, there are various ways to do it. My management style will be influenced by my obsessive behaviours. As we saw, corporate influence, which manifests in a group, contributes to political behaviour (Fodor & Riordan, 1995). Political behaviour in a firm is unavoidable because of discrepancies and judgment ambiguity. The positive and negative implications arising from political behaviour. I will not misuse my authority, because by using it arbitrarily, I can't really do what I like.


Fodor, E. M., & Riordan, J. M. (1995). Leader Power Motive and Group Conflict as Influences on Leader Behavior and Group Member Self-Affect. Journal of Research in Personality29(4), 418–431. https://doi.org/10.1006/jrpe.1995.1024

Liu, E. (2021, April 27). How Much Political Power Do You Have? The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/07/power-quiz/395273/