5 Dec 2023

PHL 1000| Paper Assignment on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

 PHL 1000 / Intro to Philosophy

Section: OL1

Semester: Fall 2023

This course provides an introduction to the fundamental questions and methods of philosophy. Students will explore a variety of philosophical topics, including the nature of reality, knowledge, and morality. They will also be introduced to the history of Western philosophy and will examine the ideas of some of the most important philosophers in the Western tradition.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 

Paper Assignment on Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – 75 points

Due:  in BlackBoard by 11:59 pm Monday, December 4  (Submit in the Term Paper content area in the Control Panel)

I am willing to look at a rough draft of your entire paper or just parts (a) and (b), if you can get it to me by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, November 8 .  Just email it to me directly at olajrea@udmercy.edu.

Suggested length:  5 - 7 typed DOUBLE-SPACED pages (1375-1750 words).  This is just a suggestion as to length, not a hard and fast page or word count.

Introduction:  summarize what you will do in the paper in parts (a) and (b) below, and summarize briefly the impact of the Allegory of the Cave on you (about ½ - ⅔ of a page – 5 points).  

(a)  (1) Summarize the Allegory by describing the stages in the prisoner’s journey out of the Cave.  Make sure to pay attention to the initial state the prisoners are in, as well as their ‘discovery’ of the puppeteers and the cutouts.  

(2) What surprising claim does Socrates make about what Glaucon calls these “strange prisoners”? 

(3) Next, explain what kind of reality the world of the Cave represents in Plato’s thought by explaining the “two realms” in Plato’s metaphysics. The world inside the cave symbolizes one of these realms, and the world outside the cave symbolizes the other realm. (about 1 ½ - 2 pages – 20 points) 

 [You will be expanding this discussion of the two realms or kinds of reality in the next section of the paper.]

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave 

(b)  Integrating your understanding of Reading 2A, Reading 4, and Reading 4A, fully explain Plato’s metaphysical dualism. (about 1 ½ -2 pages pages – 25 points).  You should do the following FIVE things here:  

(1) explain what metaphysics is; 

(2) explain what dualism is – you should be able to produce 2-3 sentences in discussing each of these; and then. 

(3) explain the details of Plato’s specific version of dualism by describing the differences between the physical world and the world of Forms.  You must discuss both the Allegory itself as well as Reading 

4A:  how is Plato’s dualism illustrated in both of these readings?

In addition to defining metaphysics and dualism, you should be able to connect at least two of the ideas in Reading 2A (in addition to dualism) to Plato’s metaphysics, by completing tasks (4) and (5): 

(4)  choose EITHER the appearance/reality distinction OR the permanence/change issue (p. 203 of Reading 2A), explain it, and then connect it to Plato’s metaphysics, and last 

(5) state the two definitions of fundamental reality (p. 210 of Reading 2A) and connect them to Plato’s metaphysics.

(c)  Impact on you and current application to human beings:  What lessons did you learn from the Allegory of the Cave?  What impact did the reading have on you?  Did Plato’s discussion of education resonate with you?  Do you think the Allegory applies to us now? How do we mistake appearances for reality and what are the consequences of this?  (1-2 pages - 10 points)

Writing, Clarity, Style:  15 points:  Your audience here is a philosophically naïve but intelligent reader, so think about including the level of detail that will make your paper understandable to others.  One way to test this is to have someone read your paper who has not taken philosophy and see if they understand it.  All of the elements of writing will be graded:  complete sentences, proper capitalization, order of words that makes sense, proper punctuation, etc.  Developing your own original examples to illustrate ideas in the paper is always a good idea.

DO NOT include the prompts above in your paper.  The prompt is to tell you what to do; you don’t have to state the prompt itself in the paper, and doing so would detract from a smoothly flowing essay.  

If you want to divide your paper into sections, that is fine, and can be helpful.  But in that case, here is how you might name the different sections:


Summary of the Allegory

Plato’s metaphysical dualism

Impact of Allegory of the Cave


Citations:  the standard way of citing any text of Plato is to give the title of the work followed by the Stephanus number.  Titles of Plato’s dialogues are like titles of books, and should be italicized.  For example, suppose that in your paper you write the following:  As Socrates said, “the visible realm should be likened to the prison dwelling…” (Republic 517b).  Notice that the period goes after the citation in parentheses.  Even if you are paraphrasing rather than quoting directly, you should use this citation format.  You can also cite other readings in the body of the paper using the reading number (e.g, 2A) and page number within the reading, and give the complete citation information in a works cited page.

Here is the citation information you need – I’m including here those readings that you may want or need to cite.  You can copy this information directly to your works cited page :

  • Reading 1:  (pp. 4-9)  What is Philosophy? William F. Lawhead.  The Philosophical Journey:  An Interactive Approach, 5th edition.  Boston: McGraw-Hill 2011
  • (pp. 10-11):  From Landscape of Wisdom: A Guided Tour of Western Philosophy by Christopher Biffle. Boston, MA:  McGraw Hill, 1999.
  • Reading 4:  Plato.  Republic.  Translated by G.M.A. Grube, revised by C.D.C. Reeve. Indianapolis:  Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. 1992.
  • Reading 4A:  Plato’s Metaphysics:  Divine Forms.  From Landscape of Wisdom: A Guided Tour of Western Philosophy by Christopher Biffle. Boston, MA:  McGraw Hill, 1999.
  • Reading 2A:  Overview of Metaphysics.  William F. Lawhead.  The Philosophical Journey:  An Interactive Approach, 5th edition.  Boston: McGraw-Hill 2011, pp. 202-211

Academic Integrity: As members of an academic community engaged in the pursuit of truth and with a special concern for values, University of Detroit Mercy students must conform to the highest standard of honesty and integrity in their academic work. The fundamental assumption under which the University operates is that work submitted by a student is a product of their own efforts. Among the most serious academic offensives is plagiarism, submitting the ideas or work of another source without acknowledgement or documentation. The consequences of plagiarism or any act of academic dishonesty may range from failure in a course to dismissal from the university.

Note that the key here is acknowledgement and documentation of sources.  If you do these two things, then you are not plagiarising.  Whether you are paraphrasing or directly quoting a source, it must be acknowledged and documented.   Writing this paper does not require any sources other than the assigned readings, but make sure you cite any and all sources you use.  

Paper Grading Rubric Fall 2023

____________ Points Letter grade:____________

Introduction:  summarise what you will do in the paper (about ½ - ⅔ of a page – 5 points)

   A    B    C          D    F
  5   4    3                2               1
(a)  Summarize the Allegory by describing the stages in the prisoner’s journey out of the Cave.  What surprising claim does Socrates make about what Glaucon calls these “strange prisoners?”  Next, explain what kind of reality the world of the Cave represents in Plato’s thought by explaining the “two realms” in Plato’s metaphysics.  (about 1 ½ - 2 pages – 20 points)

 A   A-        B+  B B-       C+  C  C- D+ D      F

   20- 18.5      18-16                  15-13.5               13-12         11-0    

(b)  Integrating your understanding of Reading 2A, Reading 4, and Reading 4A, fully explain Plato’s metaphysical dualism, by completing the five tasks in the prompt (about 1 ½ -2 pages – 25 points). 
   A  A-       B+  B B-        C+   C   C-        D+   D                F
   25-23                          22-20        19-17             16-15 14-0

(c)  Impact on you and current application to human beings:  What lessons did you learn from the Allegory of the Cave?  What impact did the reading have on you?  Did Plato’s discussion of education resonate with you?  Do you think the Allegory applies to us now? How do we mistake appearances for reality and what are the consequences of this?  (1-2 pages - 10 points)

   A    B    C          D    F
  10-9   8    7                6               5
Writing, Clarity, Style:  15 points
   A  A-         B+   B B-        C+    C    C-   D+   D        F
15 – 14           13.5 -  12.5            12 -   10.5        10 - 9       8-0

Introduction:  clearly summarizes what the paper is about and briefly describes the effect of the Allegory on the author.

(a)  Summary of the Allegory
A, A- :  completes all three tasks very clearly, with sufficient detail for the reader, can paraphrase and present material with a good degree of originality, shows clear understanding of the text.
B+, B, B- :  completes all three tasks fairly clearly, with sufficient detail for the reader, less original paraphrase, greater reliance on exact wording of readings.
C+, C, C- :  completes two out of three tasks with serious clarity issues and overreliance on course material, little to no originality of presentation.
D+, D :  only completes one task with serious clarity issues and overreliance on course material, little to no originality of presentation, shows less understanding of text.
F :   doesn’t complete any of the tasks in the prompt.

(b)  Plato’s metaphysical dualism
A, A-:  completes all five tasks very clearly, with sufficient detail for the reader, can paraphrase and present material with a good degree of originality, including examples.
B+, B, B-:  completes all five tasks fairly clearly, with sufficient detail for the reader, less original paraphrase, greater reliance on exact wording of readings, fewer examples.
C+, C, C- :  completes four of five tasks with serious clarity issues and over reliance on course material, little to no originality of presentation, or does three of the tasks very clearly.
D+, D :  only completes three tasks with serious clarity issues and over reliance on course material, little to no originality of presentation.
F :   only completes one or two tasks with serious clarity issues.

(c)    Impact of the Allegory   
A: answers 4-5 questions in the prompt clearly and in some detail, clear evidence of serious thought about the reading.
B:  answers 4-5 questions in the prompt with slightly less clarity and detail, less evidence of serious thought
C:  answers three questions without much clarity or detail, but with some evidence of serious thought.
D:  answers one or two of the questions without much clarity, and little to no evidence of serious thought.
F:  fails to say anything about the Allegory

Writing, Clarity, Style:  15 points 

A, A- (20-18.5):   the author does all of the following:  (1) meets basic formatting requirements:  
typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font, no extra spaces between paragraphs, numbered stapled pages, works cited page; 
(2) uses appropriate citations – including Stephan's numbers - to cite specific parts of texts, and gives complete information on these texts in a works cited page; 
(3) demonstrates understanding of basic writing mechanics:  
(3a)  capitalisation is appropriate;
(3b) use of commas, periods, semicolons, and question marks is correct;
(3c) is not excessively wordy or redundant;
(3d) uses proper syntax and places grammatical units in the proper order in the sentence;
(3e) avoids spelling errors;
(3f) avoids sentence fragments and run-on sentences;
(3g) avoids passages or sentences that the reader simply cannot understand.
(4) the paper is well organized both at the level of the entire paper and within each paragraph;
(5) there are appropriate transitions between paragraphs/ideas
(6)  the author always introduces, explains, and smoothly incorporates quotations
(7)  the author summarizes the paper in an Introduction
(8)  the author explains what s/he has learned from the Allegory in a conclusion,
B+, B, B- (18-16):  the author does at least 6 of 8 elements above well.
C+, C, C- (15.13.5):  the author does 5 of the above 8 elements.
D+, D (13-12): the author does 4 or fewer of the above 8 elements well.
F (11-0):  the author does 3 or fewer of the above 8 elements.

    Primary keywords:    

   Plato's Allegory of the Cave

    Secondary keywords:    

   Introduction to Philosophy
   University of Detroit Mercy
   Fall 2023
   Section OL1
   Essay assignment
   Paper guidelines
   Writing tips
   Academic integrity

    Long-tail keywords:    

   How to write an essay on Plato's Allegory of the Cave
   Explaining the two realms in Plato's metaphysics
   Connecting Plato's metaphysics to Reading 2A
   Applying Plato's philosophy to human life
   Avoiding plagiarism in academic writing


IUBAT (International University of Business Agriculture ) Teaching position

International University of Business Agriculture 

IUBAT is looking to recruit and promote faculty members in various teaching positions. The minimum academic qualifications and teaching experience required for each position are as follows:

International University of Business Agriculture 


  • Master's degree and 4 years of Bachelor's degree
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • Not required
  • Not required

Assistant Professor:


Excellent results in all examinations

Not required

  • 1Local Master's + MPhil or Master's from foreign Univ. or
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • 5 years' experience as Lecturer at IUBAT or 7 years if from other Univ.
  • 2Local Bachelor's+ foreign Master's or
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • 5 years' experience as Lecturer at IUBAT or 7 years if from other Univ.
  • 3Local Bachelor's + Local Master's
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • 7 years' experience as Lecturer at IUBAT or 9 years if from other Univ.

Associate Professor:

  • PhD Or
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • 5 years' experience as Assistant Professor at IUBAT or 7 years if from other Univ.
  • 5Local Master's + MPhil or Master's from foreign Univ. or
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • 10 years' experience (5 years as Assistant Professor at IUBAT or 12 years (7 years as Assistant Professor) if from other Univ.
  • 6Local Bachelor's+ foreign Master's or
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • 12 years' experience (5 years as Assistant Professor at IUBAT) or 14 years (7 years as Assistant Professor) if from other Univ.
  • 7Local Bachelor's + Local Master's
  • Excellent results in all examinations
  • 14 years' experience (7 as Assistant Professor)at IUBAT or 16 years (9 years as Assistant Professor) if from other Univ.



Excellent results in all examinations

12 years' experience (7 years as Associate Professor at IUBAT) or 14 years (9 years as Associate Professor if from other Univ.)



a) In the case of Public Health, professional experience may be adjusted with the teaching experience requirement.

b) In case of engineering departments, bachelor degree may be considered if Master's is not available.

Degrees and CGPA will be accepted based on reputation of the university.

  • Publications and years of experience may be interchanged as follows: every 2 publications = 1 years' teaching experience
  • Preferences will be given to candidates with higher qualifications, longer teaching experience, number and quality of publications, academic performance (CGPA, distinction, award), experience in co-and- extracurricular activities, leadership
  • Conditions may be relaxed for Semester Faculty members, faculty on contract and other types of appointment.
  • All appointments in teaching positions will be treated as independent appointments but service continuity will be retained in case of IUBAT faculty.
  • For promotion, candidate must have satisfactory Faculty Assessment Report (FAR) in case of IUBAT.
  • For candidates external to IUBAT, satisfactory performance reports from two referees are required.

Publications :

  • Publications only in recognized and refereed journals will be counted. Preference will be given to indexed journals like Copernicus and Scopus.
  • Publications in refereed proceedings of major national and international conferences and seminars may also be counted.
  • Impact ( citation) of publications will be given additional points
  • Books written in the relevant field for Undergraduate/Postgraduate levels will be considered as publications.
  • Research monographs, Patents and contributions in standard published books may be considered as publications.
  • Outstanding design works (judged by internal and external experts) carried out officially will be considered as publications


Teaching experience:

Teaching experience in a position of lecturer and above in the relevant discipline at the IUBAT or at any reputed University/Institution of higher learning at graduate/undergraduate level shall be recognized as Teaching Experience. In calculating the length of Teaching Experience, time spent on deputation to a non-teaching post, leave without pay (extra-ordinary leave) during which the person was not pursuing full time teaching at University level will not be counted.

Service experience:

Length of Service experience will include 100% of teaching and 50% of professional experience. Half of the time spent on Study Leave (for study purposes to attain higher degrees) will be added in calculating the length of service experience (not as Teaching Experience). Time spent for study purposes will refer to the actual duration of the higher degree program, subject to a maximum of 2 (two) years for Master Degree program and 5 (five) years for Ph.D Program. Period of part time teaching or part time experience will not be counted in calculating the length of service experience.

Apply Now

For additional information please contact Phone Number: 5509180 

Knowledge Management Officer - Job Profile

Helen Keller International Seeks a for USAID’s Bandarban Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (BANI)

Dhaka, Bangladesh Full Time

About the Role

Helen Keller International (HKI) is seeking a Knowledge Management Officer (KMO) to join its team in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The KMO will play a critical role in supporting the Bandarban Agriculture and Nutrition Initiative (BANI), a USAID-funded project that aims to improve food security and nutrition in the Bandarban district of Bangladesh.


The KMO will be responsible for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Supporting annual and monthly work planning, and annual, quarterly, and monthly reporting for donor, government, and institutional purposes.
  • Coordinating with the Chief of Party and Directors of CLA & Coms, MEL, Programs, and Program Operations.
  • Maintaining close communication with BANI’s Bandarban-based Program Officer, intervention leads, and technical staff to support the development of success stories, programmatic reports, presentations, and Facebook posts that highlight activities and results achievement.
  • Providing administrative support in meetings, workshops, and field visits (including organizing, preparing meeting minutes, workshop reporting, and follow-up).
  • Assisting in the creation of PowerPoint presentations, drafting reports, translating documents, drafting communications materials, and providing interpretation as needed.
  • Helping to organize external events (like fairs, high-level visits, etc.), documenting the events, and preparing reports.
  • Ensuring file management, including hard and soft copies, are archived (online and/or intranet-based); index, file.
  • Providing support for the distribution of documentation/information to ensure various program documents are made available for internal communications and/or external audiences as appropriate.
  • Performing any tasks as assigned by supervisor.


  • Master’s degree in Development Studies, Social Science, Communications, Journalism, or any other related field.
  • Minimum of three years of work-related experience providing administrative and/or communications support for publications, reporting, and/or knowledge management.
  • Capacity to provide interpretation (Bangla-English required).
  • Experience coordinating and organizing meetings and/or special events.
  • Experience using social media and understanding its use in professional settings.
  • Experience formatting documents for publication or reporting purposes and preparing presentations for professional audiences.
  • Willingness to travel to remote areas for work purposes.
  • Proficient knowledge of operating office suite software including Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
  • Ability to inscribe key information from technical reports and put them in plain English and Bangla.
  • Experience working with USAID or other donor-funded programs preferred.
  • Understanding of international development programming, especially in relation to food security activities, including knowledge of livelihoods, health, and nutrition, is preferable.
  • Must be a team player with mutual trust and understanding in a mixed team; capable of working under pressure, juggling with popping priorities, and meeting deadlines.
  • Excellent English and Bangla written and verbal communication skills.
  • Collaborative and positive intercultural, and overall social skills.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse environment.

To Apply

Qualified candidates should submit a form along with a cover letter and resume by 4th December 2023.

About Helen Keller International

Helen Keller International (HKI) is a global non-profit organization that strives to save the lives of millions of people by preventing blindness, improving nutrition, and delivering essential health care. HKI has been working in Bangladesh since 1978 and has a long history of implementing successful programs to improve the lives of the most vulnerable communities.

We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our organization. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.