3 Sept 2024

Analyzing Internship Experiences Through Goffman's Dramaturgical Lens in Sociology 3991W

Professor *****

Sociology 3991W

05 Nov 20**

My experience

Since I started the internships until now, I can say that I have felt very comfortable in the work environment where I am working, since I am not only putting into practice the knowledge that I have, but I am also learning different things every day, such as knowing and carrying out the different processes that are carried out in a file since it is the area where I am; Likewise, relating to new people most of them professionals has enriched me a lot. Without a doubt, this internships are a great opportunity and experience, which I somewhat relate to Goffman’s theory. 

Goffman takes a very careful look at the way in which people construct interaction with each other, while maintaining a simple and pragmatic tone, full of examples from various fields that allow what he is explaining to be quickly understood. And, if its logic is followed, a world full of possibilities opens up before us when it comes to understanding what is happening around us. His philosophy is based on engagement, which is I would like to so I shall demonstrate apply this to my experience as a practitioner that demonstrates every aspect. Second, two observers on one hand must be the performer and the audience must be at each encounter. Imagine we are going to a shop to purchase; the vendor will be the performer and the audience. Each actor gives a description of and plays a role in the relationship. The seller then gives a sales engagement and invites us to purchase and we may play the role of viewers or prospective buyers. 

My internship experience in the filed as an HR/Web development. In there, I learned so many different thing from the staff and leaned how to act in the office setting environment. In the book The Presentation of Self in Everyday life, Goffman did mentioned and explain a few theories somewhat regarding to my experience.  In this paper, I would like to evaluate my personal internship experience in the light of social science theory; my internship is an HR/web development intern in an IT firm where people are nice and cordial. I have an office environment that is open and friendly regarding the perspective of symbolic interactionism in light of Goffman , book, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. This book has several theories that may explain my interaction with other office staff. It does not matter if the seller believes that what he sells is good or bad or if he meets our needs or not, what matters is that he interprets the position of a seller credibly without allowing us to see mistakes in interpretation for example, actions that indicate that a product is not good even though he does not . The gesture, which anyone can escape without understanding, which the audiences can use to see if the actor really believes in his role, is important in this non-verbal language, but that an accomplished actor can also prepare themselves to play his role in a more effective way (Charon 54).

Theoretical Framework 

Framework for the hypothesis is the development of a hypothesis which will facilitate the project based on a declaration of the problem which has been carried out is one of the most critical phases in the research work. It is the overall background synthesis (local, domestic and world) in which the subject matter of the proposal lies, the current state of awareness of the problem, the holes which exist and which the project wants to fill; why and how the research being proposed would contribute to resolving or understanding the problem, as opposed to previous research, with likelihood of success. Natural frames of reference identify purely physical events, neither directed nor guided. This type of framework involves the action of forces, of laws of nature. Natural determinism prevails in them. As regards social frames of reference, they involve human intentions; they incorporate the will, effort and control. Goffman calls them guided actions, subject to social evaluation criteria. The acts of everyday life are understandable on the basis of some social frame of reference. It is a correspondence between perception and the organization and structuring of what is perceived. The social frames of reference of a certain social group constitute a central element of its culture, and are formed by its belief system or cosmology. However, individuals show resistance to changing frames of reference. Social frames are cognitive frames that allow us to interpret events for which human beings are responsible. They are also interpretive schemes that allow identifying, locating, perceiving and classifying an infinite number of events. On the other hand, they outline a world of meanings and equip people with codes to interpret and communicate the meanings of the reality they experience. Social frames are shaped by the intentions, feelings, and motives of the actors, and involve cognitive, mental action

The perspective of the analysis of frames is present in Goffman from his earliest works, in which in the study of psychosocial phenomena, I have seen that some people, for example, basically assume that people are lazy and untrustworthy, and we have hidden our know-how from them. The theoretical context should be very precise and well thought out in these types of studies. We cannot solve this problem entirely, but we can greatly minimize the problem simply by specifically making our implied structure. These basic ideas about human nature influence the way things appear as we do personal study. We don't even note stuff that doesn't suit our system in other words. It may be a challenge to not know what our true structure is. The development of a hypothesis which will facilitate the project based on a declaration of the problem which has been carried out is one of the most critical phases in the research work. On the one side, the theoretical framework enables the searchers to be directed and the methodology to be defined. In the work he uses the concept of frameworks of appearances to refer to the handling of the impressions that the actors use to present to the audience a definition of the situation (Goffman, 1959: 242).

It also describes success as the behaviour of a human, whose appearance in front of an audience and over which he attempts to control over a time defined by his constant presence. (Goffman, 1959: 21). In his study of the appearance of the person in daily life, Goffman considers that the self of individuals in public is the product of a mechanism called the management of experiences by which subjects use the experiences that they emit or convey to others in a situation where there are encounters, in order to create a picture of themselves, of 

My Internship settings 

Since I started my internships in the new company Prime Energy Solar it has been very gratifying and exciting for me, since I have put into practice the knowledge that I already have, as well as I have acquired new ones, from how to make an invoice through the A2 administrative system, file, make quotes, credit notes, and the different tasks carried out by an HR administrative assistant and web developer. They helped me and showed me everything. The personnel of this company are very good and helpful. My job is to assist the company in recruiting good applicants, creating good web pages and good social media to help the company advertise. I learnt a lot about social contact, listening skills, and interviews. The organization attempts to support the atmosphere through the use of renewable energy. 

All this experience has been very helpful and I take every opportunity that comes my way to always do a good job. One of my best experiences in my life where I can demonstrate my knowledge that I obtained thanks to the people of the institution, I have also learned new  knowledge. For example, work from the server, technical support etc. I have met Executive Personnel who have provided support to have greater knowledge in our area. Showing and guiding us by the rules and values ​​that an intern must have, this is one of the experiences that I have lived and that I would like to continue living with, people who helped me to this experience.

I feared at the outset of my internship that I might still make an error when I did stuff I had never done, but when I was first described, I felt that it would be fine even though I was wrong, and it taught me much. During the days my department shifted and I spent a long time in the classroom training me to use the server, where I had to make delivery reports, forecasts, upload invoices and most importantly invoices each Friday. I was really anxious on the first Friday I had to sign in and I might have caused a lot of issues in an organization if I was wrong. That's why I tranquilly and deliberately did anything not making an error, because I billed it all accurately and I was able to send all the accounts on time. I understand that human behaviour is so intricately complex that the right way to research human activity is to look at people or small groups and reflect on how they try to protect their identity in the public sphere, and how they vary from their more comfortable selves in the context.

Goffman’s perception relates to the fact that if we truly want to understand people, in addition to is back stage with them we can indulge in participant observations so we only see true emotions in the communities when they stop playing.

Since I began my internships, I can relate the theory of Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis. In my experience I have seen that senior staff who has been in charge of giving me the best advice from carrying out validations, acknowledgments, certificates, I learned to handle the Data Management program, I was the organizer of a workshop on administrative processes together with my internship companions. In the same way Goffman provides the overall metaphor of dramatic analysis: social circumstances are like theatre, and in these situations individuals are like actors. Although Goffman agrees this model is limited, because of the many details it can show about social connections and relationships, he proposes to consider it more carefully. Individuals, he states, are also keen to handle the experiences that others get. In my case I have had the joy of working with a group of excellent people, committed to their work, collaborators, and who have given me the best treatment and support. At first I was nervous about making a mistake in something but my co-workers made me feel comfortable and understand that we can all make mistakes at some point; the important thing is to learn from that. In addition ,I have seen that  people also try to describe the circumstances they are interested in. Goffman states that people use many of the same methods and strategies employed on stage to learn and manage impressions and identify scenarios.

I can really say that it has been a learning experience both theoretical and practical, in addition to a good teamwork. I have had to do difficult jobs and some easier ones that has helped me to channel the possible alternatives of quick and effective solutions to resolutions of certain problems that they face daily. A totally rewarding and motivating experience has been the treatment received by the workers of the organization, which gives me the opportunity and encouragement to apply my knowledge and become interested every day in learning more and more. I like to that the “impression management” of this company is excellent.  Individuals also aim to create an efficient front like they do with every other area of their job. Organizations also employ professionals to hold the group's front, while others concentrate on the "actual" job behind the scenes.

Essential Parts of a Theoretical Framework

The parts or elements of the theoretical framework are the following:

Research Background

They are the previous studies concerning the problem raised, i.e. the previous studies conducted and which have some relationship with the aim of the study. The confusion between the research precedents and the history of the subject-matter in question is important to avoid. The researchers, the year in which these studies were conducted as well as the goals and the key outcomes of these studies should be established, making the structure of the theoretical system one of the most significant components. The precedents, while theoretical, will precede goals because the quest is one of the first acts to be performed by the author, which will allow the study object and hence the aims of the analysis to be defined and restricted.

Theoretical Bases

These are a collection of definitions and suggestions that describe the phenomenon or problem that is raised in a particular view or solution. This section may be separated into the subjects or factors analyzed according to the subject matter.

Legal Bases

It is comprised of a collection of legal records that act as referential evidence and support for the investigation.


These are features that can be calculated and evaluated through activity. This approach entails decomposing the variables that constitute the study problem from the most general to the most basic. These can be categorized into: metrics, subscriptions, weights, regions, aspects and metrics according to their complexity.

Analysis of Internship experience from the Perspective of symbolic interactinsm theory

It consists of developing the problem in a conceptual way in this sort of theoretical sense. There are two considerations that are relevant here to theoretical frameworks. What I notice, and what I do not notice, is generally driven by the structure. The authors perform research on the basis of their parameters, other researchers' ideas and the philosophy behind their research. My analysis has a theoretical structure that defines what we calculate and how statistically you pursue. Once it is explicit, I will consider other structures consciously and try to see the organization’s condition through various lenses. A number of binary oppositions is one of the most important codes used in the presentation of the self (Lehrer 40). I view gestures that convey themselves according to different kinds of opposition: naturalism, authenticity vs. simulation, relaxation vs. excitation, comfort vs. weirdness, men vs. women. These codes form the space inside the self. Codes are cultural artefacts which exist independently of the consciousness and thought of the individual agents in my experiences of internship. 

In this latter, the players arrange themselves in line with the principal oppositions: assuming masculine opposed to a feminine action, or in contrast with a virtual motion. The context in which a self It is articulated and understood can be called a code of meaning which enables the social activity individual to read a personal expression as a representation of the identity of the individual. This code specifies the expressions and acts of the individual must be regarded as meaningful and which knowledge disclosed by him / her. Through this code we should anticipate knowledge on the content of the entity to be given and read the word as a fundamental mark. The code of interpretation often pressures people to unexpectedly appear at social gatherings (Symbolic Interactionism and Cultural Studies 24).

According to Goffman, ritual experiences have the effects of influencing actors' behaviours. The ritual produces and reproduces moral sentiments which originate in individuals. In this way, objects symbolize culture as inhabited in physical and mind realms. External and in the eyes of individuals, these symbols are the way that people identify their members. Via these symbols, the person is able to find the centers of authority that he or she must comply with. Equally, people understand the borders within their communities by seeing the appearance of others that symbolically degrade their communities, agents that disregard their own religious symbols.

Goffman also discusses the rituals of everyday life. The primary sacred object in these is the "self", which is socially represented through rituals performed on the front stages. These representations are sustained through a hidden test work on back stages of social settings, which are located in all those spaces in which public representations of social action can be carried out: the streets, the lines, the restaurants, the schools. In back stages there are usually areas for private activities: private residences, apartments. The back stages are named. The performers play the less impressive facets of their selves in the backstage environment, practicing for stage production and also offering planning and contemplation on their depictions of the new or past scenarios (VanderDrift, Tyler and Ma 463).

The result of this ritual is the creation of a temporary cult, that is, a shared reality that consists of the reality of what is being talked about. A symbolic reality emerges, autonomous from the surrounding environment, which is the subject of the conversation. From this point of view, the expressions of the self in the interaction situation gestures, faces, manners are guided by ritual codes, through which the actors keep their faces and help the other actors to keep theirs. own. In this way, through interaction rituals, people engage with the constructions that other people make about their "I” self . The ritual of regular encounters, Etiquette, aims primarily at protecting these self-definitions. In conversations, for instance, the Ritual Code seeks to prevent the community from touching upon topics which endanger the conception of the person. In a dialogue, some of the acts encrypted by this ritual are to avoid insults and not to create conflicts of opinion by means of vague words or provisional agreements. For Goffman, people may not have a person until interaction, but they are guided by interaction to have a person and to behave as if they had him. Business pressures them to reveal their own portrait. It is a philosophy that describes what we do and what we do; it is an ideology in daily life that is used to assign causality and moral obligation in our society.

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