12 Sept 2024

Foundations for Research - Identify the skills



Coursework Assessment Brief

Module Code: UJGUPW-15-M
Module Title: Foundations for Research
Submission Deadline: 28 April 2021 at 14h00
Assessment Component: B (Reflective Portfolio)
Assessment Weighting: 50% of total module mark
Marking and feedback deadline: 27 May 2021
(20 working days)
Note: All times are in 24-hour clock, UK time.

Assessment Instructions

Please submit a Reflective Portfolio following these instructions:

Using your ‘Skills Audit’ from Workshop 5 of Foundations for Research, select one skill or attribute from each section that you want to develop in the next 6 months through your participation in the LLM programme and related activities.

In this portfolio, use the STAR-LP method to demonstrate this development. Details of the STAR-LP method can be found in the FFR Workshop 5 folder.

Your portfolio should be written as a continuous first-person narrative recounting your experiences. However, it must be written in clear, grammatical English and in a semi-formal style—as if you were communicating your skills and attributes to an employer.

Structure of Your Portfolio

We recommend using the following structure for your portfolio:

Introduction (c. 200 words)

Identify the skills you have chosen and explain why you chose them. Reflect briefly on how you identified the areas for development (e.g., realising a weakness through experience on the LLM). You may also do some background reading on reflection and its role in learning and employment.

A Section for Each of the Five Skills/Attributes (c. 300 words per section)

Each of these sections should:

  • Cover one skill/attribute from each section of the skills audit.
  • Use the STAR-PL method to reflect on your development.
  • Accompany each skill section with at least one piece of evidence (as appendices, if appropriate).

Note: Focus more on the reflection and learning/planning portions of the STAR-PL method. Keep the description of situations and tasks minimal.

Conclusion (c. 200 words)

Summarize your observations across the five sections, commenting on how your practices have changed as a result of this reflection or any thoughts on reflections and skills as part of your academic/professional development.


Provide at least one piece of evidence for each of the 5 skills chosen. You must also include the compulsory evidence outlined below.

Compulsory Evidence

You must submit evidence related to the following activities to show your engagement with the module. This can be used to support your narrative or added at the end of the portfolio.

  1. Law Databases Certification
    Provide certification for training in at least two law databases.

  2. UWE Library Study Skills Events/Tutorials
    Evidence attending at least three study skills events/tutorials, with a short paragraph (max 100 words) outlining what was covered and how it supported your skills development.

  3. Department of Law Research Events
    Provide the name of the speaker at the event you attended and a short paragraph (max 100 words) outlining what was covered and what you learned.

Optional Evidence

  • Skills Development in Other LLM Modules
    Evidence of learning in other LLM modules, including the module name, lecturer, and a short description (max 100 words).

  • Work Experience
    Include the name of the organisation and a short paragraph (max 100 words) about what you learned in relation to the chosen skill.

  • Attendance at Careers Events
    Provide details of the event, the speaker, and what you learned (max 100 words).

  • Volunteering
    Include the name of the organisation and a short paragraph (max 100 words) about what you learned.

  • Membership in Relevant Organisations
    Provide details of the organisation and how it contributed to your skills development (max 100 words).

Marking Criteria

The LLM Assessment Criteria will be used to assess this assignment. Full assessment criteria are available in the LLM Handbook on Blackboard. These were also discussed in detail during Foundations for Research.

Formative Feedback and Support

Formative feedback provides opportunities to reflect on your work and prepare for your assignment. Refer to Blackboard for resources such as:

  • Module Handbook
  • Workshop 5 materials
  • Workshop 8 and 9 materials, particularly on assessment criteria
  • Assignments folder on Blackboard for assessment criteria


  • File format: Word (.doc or .docx)
  • Font: 12-point Times New Roman or Arial
  • Double-spaced
  • First page: student number, module name and number, word count, coursework title

Word Limit

  • Maximum: 2000 words (excluding appendices)
  • No +10% allowance
  • Word count includes everything in the main body of the text (headings, tables, citations, etc.)
  • References, bibliography, and footnotes (if used only for references) are NOT included in the word count.

Referencing and Assessment Offences

Use the OSCOLA referencing system for all sources. Improper referencing can lead to plagiarism or assessment offences. Be aware of UWE’s Assessment Offences Policy, including rules on text-matching software and academic integrity.

Instructions for Submission

Submit via Blackboard before the deadline. Ensure your file is correctly uploaded, and retain your receipt. Late submissions within 24 hours will be capped at a pass; submissions beyond this will not be accepted.

Final Feedback and Marks Release

Marks and feedback will be available by 27 May 2021. Any delays will be communicated through Blackboard.

Further Guidance and Support

  • UWE Library Study Skills
  • Faculty of Business and Law’s Academic Success Centre
  • Refer to UWE’s Academic Advice pages for additional resources and support.

Personal Circumstances

If you experience difficulties completing your assessment on time due to unexpected events (e.g., illness, bereavement), contact a Student Support Adviser as soon as possible to discuss applying for Personal Circumstances (PCs).