7 Jul 2023

The Impact of Lithium Battery Supply Chain on Sustainability |10000 words |dissertation ||Sample||

The Impact of Lithium Battery Supply Chain on Sustainability

1.1 The overview of EV batteries and lithium4
1.2 Scale production over time6
1.3 The aim of the study7
1.4 Objectives7
1.5 The significance of the study7
1.6 Research Questions7
1.7 The application of EV battery8
1.7.1 Battery storage in local residential units8
1.7.2 Battery storage at regional/municipal level8

1.7.3 Battery storage in island systems9
1.7.4 Battery storage for use in electromotive9
2Literature Review9
2.1 Advancing the value of electric batteries

2.2 The battery supply chain11
2.3 Supply Chain: Some reflections from Sustainability12
2.4 Supply Chain: Some reflections of corporate initiative12
2.5 Sustainable development in supply chain on EV battery industries15
2.6 Considerations of potential supply chain batteries17
3.1 Research strategy20

3.2 Research techniques22
3.3 Quantitative techniques22
3.4 Data collection23

3.6 Ethical issues23
3.7 Limitations of the methodology24
5Discussion/Analysis of Findings25
5.1 Upstream of the insecure value chains25
5.2 Lithium battery life cycle26
5.3 Risks related to the sustainable management of the supply28
5.4 Inventions31
5.5 Gaps in electric vehicle industries32
5.6 The sustainability issues of supply chain management33
6Conclusion and Recommendations33
Reference List36


Rechargeable accumulator batteries are available in a variety of kinds, including lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries, and nickel-cadmium batteries... Despite this, lithium-ion batteries are the most often used, due to their great technical performance, lightness, compact size, long life and most importantly their significant cost-saving potential. It is expected that lithium-ion batteries would overtake all other battery technologies within a few decades, particularly in the electric transportation industry. Among the materials typically utilized in the manufacture of batteries are lithium, cobalt, graphite, manganese, and nickel This is due to their scarcity, difficulty in extraction, or refinement. As they are classed as dangerous items, and their transportation and storage are closely controlled. Heat, humidity, and shocks affect them greatly. There are limits on shipment volumes and packing requirements under the regulations. An integrated transport and logistics solutions ensure operational compliance and cost and CO2 emission optimization. As covid-19 caused a great havoc on supply chain industry therefore it has to be considered for sustainable supply chain development. This research attempt to identify current issues of lithium battery supply chain. The researcher created the study to identify the supply chain process in EV battery businesses and how battery industries may make the supply chain process more sustainable. Several concerns with the electric battery supply chain were addressed in the study by identifying hazardous locations where the supply chain process may be hindered. The article also focused on lithium, which is the primary material utilized in the production of electric car batteries.

Chapter 1: Introduction 

At the moment, the lithium market is in a boom. Smartphones and computers contain it, and for good reason. Also directly related to lithium's use is its role in the development of electric vehicles and renewable energy sources. A similar change has occurred in the world lithium market in recent years. In fact, the vulnerability of its supply has been questioned. Production of batteries will be one of the fastest-growing industrial activity during the next several years. Because Chinese businesses dominate the refining of raw materials, there's a significant lack of openness and a lot of uncertainty. A broad variety of goods such as electric automobiles and accumulator systems that employ smart grids or renewable energy sources must use batteries to decrease CO2 emissions (Zhou et al., 2021). The battery demand and production are expected to grow exponentially over the next few decades, according to many reports. Whatever the rise, it is still regarded significant. As a result, all industrial sectors of the battery production supply chain that are represented by unions connected with Industrial Global Union would be impacted significantly by this decision. It is clear that the fight for the extraction of raw minerals like cobalt, lithium, copper and nickel is generating significant human rights abuses and terrible environmental repercussions, including child labour and the loss of indigenous lands (Weimer, Braun and vom Hemdt, Ansgar, 2019). Battery production is dominated by East Asian firms based in China, Japan and Korea. The majority of raw materials are handled in Chinese refineries. 

1.1 The overview of EV batteries and lithium

To replace fossil fuels, we'll need a new, more renewable and sustainable source of energy. Implementation of electric vehicles will be one area where this requirement will be most apparent. Vehicle manufacturers, who are depending on electric vehicles for the future, will require a solid supply chain that can support new technical advances; therefore, this research will be crucial (Swain, 2018). Among the long-awaited improvements to the electric car is an increase in its autonomy and battery charging speed. Science and technology developments that attempt to correct these shortcomings will focus on their chemistry, i.e. There are two primary groups of materials required for an electric car in terms of metals and minerals: those required for the vehicle's construction and electric powertrain, and those required for the batteries (Zeng and Li, 2013). Also, if we look at how it will respond to a large demand, we discover that the first block has a flexible supply chain, whereas battery components need to be adapted in proportion to the exceptional demand. In light of the relatively minimal danger to supply of the most popular metals, this is a good time to start a discussion. Analysis of the industry's anticipated strong demand reveals that the first block has a flexible supply chain, whereas batteries' primary components will require an industry-wide adaptation effort proportional to a high-demand scenario. Open arguments currently centre on the "new" minerals or energy metals: lithium, cobalt, and graphite, due to the decreased supply risk of the most prevalent metals. It is important to note that electric car motors require copper, certain magnetic metals, as well as cobalt and lithium, both of which have significant costs (Yang, Gu and Guo, 2020).  As a result, all industrial sectors of the battery production supply chain that are represented by unions connected with Industrial Global Union would be impacted significantly by this decision. Graphite, aluminium, nickel, and manganese are all essential components of contemporary ecological technology. The availability of lithium, for example, does not pose an issue for present and medium-term technologies, but there are concerns about the capacity to react quickly to the projected surge in demand. There is ambiguity and worry about cobalt, given the market price increases owing to increased demand and the lack of transparency in the supply chain that originates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Yan et al., 2020). It is for this reason that technical solutions are being sought that will minimize or remove their usage in batteries altogether. 

There are no immediate or medium-term supply issues with graphite, which no one has mentioned yet, but which is essential for lithium-ion batteries. Remember that the electric automobile was developed in the 19th century, and that its progress was conditioned by the autonomy of its batteries, rather than a more capable gasoline (William, Or and Chen, 2020). Presence in lithium-ion batteries with a higher energy density, its improved efficiency, and the removal of the memory effect are all benefits of this compound. This material is crucial for the short- and medium-term development of electric vehicles since it can be used in lithium-ion batteries with higher energy densities, has a better efficiency, does not have a memory effect, and does not require any maintenance. Electric vehicles will create a wealth of investment opportunities due to the technology and advances they will bring. Certain key metals, such as lithium, are needed by emerging technology (Wen et al., 2021). 

It has never been a conflict mineral, and it has nothing to do with human rights abuses or attacks on nature, as is the case with cobalt. Like cobalt, this critical metal has never been designated a conflict mineral, nor has it been linked to human rights abuses or attacks on nature. As a result, investment possibilities may be taken advantage of in a sustainable manner (Wanger, 2011). As a result of these investments, these required technical advances are being pursued all over the world. The smart materials theme fund of a Swiss business specializing in sustainability, for example, encourages growth with reduced consumption of natural resources using methods such as efficiency. They examine the value of the environment (Van et al., 2020). 

A fund's analysts examine the replacement mechanism and technical development potential, taking into account not just natural resources but also new materials and process technologies (Turcheniuk et al., 2018). This allows them to find answers to existing problems with natural resource usage, such as their probable shortage, which is mostly a function of the rapid population increase and high expectations for living standards in emerging nations. should they support positive tactics that do not focus on the problem of scarcity but rather on solutions that give an alternative to the rising demand for scarce resources. As a result, they should participate in positive strategies that invest in solutions that provide a sustainable alternative to the growing demand for resources, rather than in the problem of exploiting scarcity as a threat, in order to collaborate in maintaining the desired economic growth in a world of finite resources (Toba et al., 2021). Finally, battery producers should examine the following things in order to capitalize on the prospects in the battery manufacturing industry:

1.2 Scale production over time

It is feasible to transition to automated processes in stages, progressively scaling up when ROI is shown.

Energy is still required for the heat drying of the coated metal foils and the manufacturing of traction batteries is still somewhat expensive - even if battery prices have more than halved in price since 2013 (Sun et al., 2018). Lithium-ion batteries still have a lot of potential, experts believe, even if solid-state batteries are the future of energy storage. As technology advances and battery numbers increase, both battery costs and energy density are projected to continue to decline. Electricity from renewable sources should be used to make batteries in the ideal case scenario. Otherwise, your life will begin with a CO2 exposure.

1.3: The aim of the study

These issues can have a significant impact on supply chain management in the electric car battery industry. A sustainable supply chain management strategy for the electric car battery industry is the next objective of this project. There are several key concerns that might impact electric battery supply in car battery sectors, and this research will attempt to identify them as well as other essential issues (Zhou et al., 2021).

1.4: Objectives

  • To examine some life-cycle sustainability of electric vehicle battery industries in terms of supply chain management

  • To identify some major factors which can affect the sustainability of supply chain management in electric vehicle battery industries

  • To identify some major problems in accumulating resources to determine the suitable supply chain management in electric vehicle battery industries

1.5: The significance of the study

In order to create electric batteries for automobiles, the automotive battery industry will need a sufficient number of resources. Industries must consider environmental, economic, and social issues while choosing how to handle electric car batteries sustainably. Those three elements are the most important ones that can impact the industry's viability.

1.6: Research Questions 

1. What issues and fact that can affect the electric vehicle battery industry's supply chain management industry?

2. What are the risks related to the sustainable management of the supply chain in the electric vehicle battery industries?

3. What new information can be used to solve factors affecting sustainable supply chain management in the electric vehicle battery industries?

4. What are gaps in electric vehicle industries that create effective, sustainable supply chain management problems in different battery companies?

5. What are the sustainability issues of supply chain management in electric vehicle battery industries to remove critical environmental effects?

1.7: The application of EV battery

In particular, weather-dependent and consequently variable renewable energy benefit from power storage (Tabelin, Carlito Baltazar et al., 2021). By storing surplus power and recovering it when needed, this volatility may be accounted for. There are a number of different applications (Ikasari, Sutopo and Zakaria, 2020).

Battery storage in local residential units

To enhance the self-consumption rate of an existing photovoltaic (PV) system, these devices are increasingly being employed. The constantly rising energy costs and declining feed-in tariffs make it more profitable to use the electricity generated by PV systems installed after 2010 than to put it back into the grid. In order to be able to use the self-generated solar electricity even when the sun isn't shining, e.g.

Battery storage at regional / municipal level in the low-voltage network

Energy is temporarily stored in bigger power storage units in order to smooth the load curves of customers. En outre, they are able to temporarily store surplus power from many sources A medium-voltage network may be constructed directly from the generator peaks. For example, if solar PV systems are feeding in more electricity at lunch, the grid gets overwhelmed. However, the stability of the network must be maintained (Weimer, Braun and vom Hemdt, Ansgar, 2019). 

Battery storage in island systems

Whenever there is no connection to the public power grid and establishing one is not economically feasible, standalone systems are helpful and required. When the sun isn't shining or the wind isn't blowing, battery storage devices can store power temporarily. Electricity self-sufficiency is required for stand-alone systems. Particularly when sizing the storage system, this must be considered (Jaffe, 2017).

Battery storage for use in electromobility

Electromobility is another area where battery storage may be used. We've been using lead batteries as starting batteries in gasoline-powered automobiles for a long time. Although lead batteries are commonly used in electric automobiles, lithium-ion batteries have a longer service life than lead batteries and a better power density (Sutopo et al., 2018).

Chapter 2: Literature review 3000

2.1: Advancing the value of electric batteries through supply chains

Following several years of continuous expansion in the electric vehicle (EV) sector, the demand for EV batteries has also increased. In 2017, worldwide electric car battery makers generated an estimated 30-gigawatt hours of storage capacity (Sun et al., 2018). Nearly 60% more than the previous year, and the trend appears to be continuing. These changes in consumer preferences are being accompanied by a drive for more sustainable legislation addressing gasoline and diesel vehicles. In Denmark and Iceland, new fossil fuel cars will be banned by 2030. But for the time being, we may expect the following. The transition to automated operations may be accomplished in stages at a speed and scale that is both sustainable and feasible. Manufacturers can better produce and track important production data, which can then be analysed and transformed into actionable information by integrating business and control systems. Battery producers have several problems, which may be addressed by a good MES (Stamp, Lang and Wäger, 2012). By incorporating process job instructions into machines, machine quality and performance may be standardized (Scheller, Schmidt and Spengler, 2021). The demand for batteries on board zero emission cars is expected to rise considerably in the near future, despite the fact that others may impose deadlines in the future. Batteries producers have been able to satisfy low-volume demand with little automation and a disconnected information system until recently, though. However, this technique will not be sufficient to meet the future need for billions of watts of electricity from electric cars. While battery life is improving every year, it is still limited, thus the need for replacements is expected to persist. Electric cars will continue to be in high demand (Smith, 2020). Although European automakers have actively battled to secure an adequate supply of batteries, Asian companies dominate the market for electric vehicle batteries. As a result, European battery producers have a tremendous chance to come in and satisfy market demand. Batteries are difficult to move, therefore it makes more sense for manufacturers to locate plants closer to their customers than to ship the items. The most successful productions have been smart, highly automated, and efficiently networked in the last few years. A fund's analysts examine the replacement mechanism and technical development potential, taking into account not just natural resources but also new materials and process technologies (Reuter, 2016). This allows them to find answers to existing problems with natural resource usage, such as their probable shortage, which is mostly a function of the rapid population increase and high expectations for living standards in emerging nations. Deshalb should they support positive tactics that do not focus on the problem of scarcity but rather on solutions that give an alternative to the rising demand for scarce resources. In this regard, not all manufacturers have made the required investments (QuinterosCondoretty et al., 2021). In reality, the problem isn't only keeping up with battery demand; it's also keeping up with the fast advancement of battery technology. Because battery technology is always changing, different types of batteries must be able to be modified and produced effectively. It is critical to be able to swiftly shift production lines while maintaining throughput and quality control. This is when automation comes into play. Priority one for digital efforts, according Perreault (2020) is to increase operating efficiencies, with the exception of the automobile industry. Instead of spending time and money developing strong battery alliances in manufacturing locations, embracing new technologies is a better option. The good news is that it's not difficult to keep up with the rapid advancement of battery technology (Paranthaman, Mariappan Parans et al., 2017). Most of the time, it doesn't even have to be tough to do it correctly. Systems with better performance will be needed by manufacturers, but they do not have to make all of their investments in a single round of investment. 

2.2 The battery supply chain

In order to get the essential raw materials, such as cobalt, lithium, nickel, and copper, mining will grow substantially, creating new employment. Existing issues with fundamental union rights, child labour, the environment and indigenous peoples' rights will also become more complicated. Among the chemical and electronics industries, CATL of China, Panasonic of Japan, and LG Chem of Korea dominate battery cell production, along with a number of other businesses seeking to enter the market. Automobile manufacture and purchase have been the topic of a heated dispute. The majority of automakers have opted to purchase used vehicles (Olivetti et al., 2017). The majority of automakers have opted to buy battery cells and then build the batteries in their own plants. The energy sector is primarily interested in resilient (green) energy storage technologies to adjust for variations in demand and supply. The work being done is mostly focused on the construction of smart grids, and an example in this context would be the integration and usage of batteries by automobile owners (McManus, 2012). When it comes to union rights, the supply chain of big multinational companies (MNEs) is rife with violations. However, without enforceable national and international rules, global firms cannot be held accountable for their supply networks. A global federation must establish the location and course of global supply chains in order to determine where it may exert influence on MNEs' violations of union rights in their supply chains. In this way, a worldwide automobile business will have to care about where its cobalt and lithium are mined, how its batteries are made, and how its energy is stored in order to survive. To establish a supply chain strategy, Industrial has asked the FES to work with them on a joint initiative. Research and mapping supply networks, strategic discussions with specialists, and worldwide meetings with unions representing employees throughout supply chains are all part of this (Marchegiani, Morgera and Parks, 2020). 

  • Achieve true due diligence that makes the voice of workers heard at every stage of the supply chain (and that due diligence is more effective than questionable sustainability reporting)

  • Improve the working conditions of workers in practice

  • Work together across all sectors

Regulating unsustainable global supply chains and securing manufacturing jobs are key aspects of Industrial’s strategic work in the aftermath of the pandemic (Liu and Agusdinata, Datu B, 2020).

2.3 Supply Chain: some reflections from Sustainability

Sustainability is much more than just an environmental issue. In actuality, sustainable development takes into account the economic, social, and environmental domains of influence. This means that in order to achieve a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being, it is necessary to consider not just vehicle emissions, but also those resulting from the extraction and transportation of raw materials, as well as the production of batter. It is necessary to take into account the investment (Lebedeva, Di Persio, Franco and BoonBrett, 2016). In other words, it seeks to strike a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being. What contributes to mobility is not only the emissions from the tank to the wheel of the mobility device known as a car; it is also necessary to consider the carbon footprint from raw material extraction, transportation, and manufacturing. It must evaluate the investments required to build a high-density freight network to accommodate the increased vehicle traffic. It must drive a specific number of kilometres before an electric vehicle is considered more environmentally friendly than a conventional automobile. I am confident that NGOs will soon convert from a tank-to-wheel emissions approach to a whole life cycle approach. New holistic approaches are needed that take into account the full life cycle and economy. In addition, we'll be watching to see how a further development of renewable energy sources affects the future of the industry (Kurland, 2019). On the other hand, we'll see how renewable energy sources will be expanded. Using green hydrogen, as BMW has pointed out, may also play a major role. Porsche is, in reality, collaborating with Siemens Energy on the construction of the world's first industrial-scale facility to produce non-polluting synthetic fuels, commonly known as e-fuels (Kelly et al., 2021b). As a result of Chile's outstanding wind energy conditions and low electricity costs, this project will be carried out there. Thus, renewable hydrogen production, export, and usage have a large worldwide potential. Some parts of the globe are exploited to create batteries because they require raw resources (Kelly, Dai and Wang, 2020). However, there are other options. 

2.4 Supply Chain: some reflections of corporate initiative 

The BMW Group, for example, has engaged into arrangements with raw material suppliers that ensure a sustainable and fair production process Additionally, rare earths and cobalt, which is only found in Australia and Morocco, will be phased out by 2020 (Kaunda, Rennie B, 2020). BMW places a high value on having complete control over its supply chain, and compliance with environmental standards and the preservation of human rights are of the utmost significance. Another objective is to increase battery recyclability and develop ways to give them a second life (Jowitt, 2020). The method by which energy is obtained has a significant impact on the environmental footprint of electric vehicles. When it comes to renewable energy, daily consumption has practically no environmental impact. However, if coal is used to generate power, for example, the carbon footprint is much higher. It must drive a specific number of kilometres before an electric vehicle is considered more environmentally friendly than a conventional automobile (Jowitt, 2020). 

NGOs will soon convert from a tank-to-wheel emissions approach to a whole life cycle approach. New holistic approaches are needed that take into account the full life cycle and economy. In addition, we'll be watching to see how a further development of renewable energy sources affects the future of the industry. Battery manufacture, which is labour-intensive and CO2-intensive, also has an impact on the environmental impact of electric automobiles. In spite of this, electric automobiles are still gaining momentum, even when conventionally produced power is included in the calculation. Electrical power is used exclusively in the production of BMW's electric i3, for example (Ikasari, Sutopo and Zakaria, 2020). A car's initial CO2 deficit after manufacture is soon recouped in everyday use. Between 64,000 km and 80,000 km more ecologically friendly than a combustion-engine vehicle as calculated. A climate-neutral manufacturing and components production would further improve the competitiveness of electric automobiles in comparison to fuel cell electric vehicles (Jaffe, 2017). 

BMW's credo is that each of the company's electric vehicles should have a lower footprint than a comparable combustion engine vehicle. This is assured as part of a comprehensive strategy that takes into account all important variables such as supply chain, manufacturing, shelf life, and recycling. Attention must be made to the additional value in order to decrease CO2, such as viewing energy demanding manufacture from high voltage batteries (Sutopo et al., 2018). Without intervention, the rising percentage of electric cars will raise CO2 emissions per vehicle in BMW's supply chain by more than a third by 2030. A vehicle's recycling rate is already required to be 95 percent, although it is still very low. A considerable rise in secondary material content in cars is thus planned for 2030, according to the firm (Sun et al., 2018). 

To conserve resources and limit the likelihood of conflict, it is also necessary to minimize the amount of new extraction required, especially for critical raw materials. For high-voltage batteries for electric cars, which need a lot of key raw materials, the circular economy is critical. As of now, the European Union only requires that high-voltage batteries be recycled at a rate of 50%. Volkswagen intends to recycle approximately 97 percent of the raw materials used in battery packs in the future this way. Last but not least, this has a twofold advantage in terms of cost and influence on the environment Nissan and Audi have suggested bi-directional battery charging systems to improve the usage of power. Evaluating organic batteries is also something Mercedes-Benz is doing in the medium to long term These are environmentally friendly biodegradable batteries. Graphene-based organic cell batteries, devoid of rare earths and metals, were used to power the electric motor in the Vision AVTR concept vehicle (Scheller, Schmidt and Spengler, 2021). In addition, as we've seen at GM and Panasonic, As we witnessed at the CES 2021 presentations by GM and Panasonic, these firms are also working on batteries that utilize less cobalt. Sustainability strategies consider the entire process, from the extraction of raw materials and transportation through manufacturing and product lifecycles, as well as the economic effect on all parties involved (Smith, 2020b). 

As of 2020, the Hyundai Motor Group and SK Innovation Co. established a partnership to build a sustainable environment for electric car batteries. As a result, there will be a value chain that spans the full life cycle of batteries (Reuter, 2016).

The rare metals that make it up, such as cobalt and manganese, must be extracted through an extremely complicated procedure. According to the researchers, collecting these metals from used batteries may be more cost effective than mining the minerals from the Earth (QuinterosCondoretty et al., 2021). One of the German group's options is the creation of a portable quick charging station to give batteries a second life. According to the company, this station will have a capacity of up to 360 kilowatt-hours of energy, allowing it to charge up to four vehicles at once, with a maximum rapid charge output of 100 kW. It is similar to a portable cell phone charger that may be used until it runs out of power or is linked to a power source. Laut information from the brand, this station will have a capacity of up to 360 kilowatt hours, allowing it to charge four vehicles at once, with a maximum rapid charge output of 100 kilowatt hours. Like a portable mobile phone charger, it may be used until it runs out of juice or plugged into a power source to recharge it (Perreault, 2020). In addition, it is so tiny that it may be put in locations where loading is difficult.

2.5 Sustainable development in supply chain on EV battery industries

The recycling rate for LIBs is expected to rise with the current amendment of the EU battery regulation. In the current draft regulation, it is suggested to enhance the existing recycling rate of 50% for lithium-ion batteries to 65 or 70% in 2025 and 2030, and to include other elementary goals (90 and 95 percent for cobalt, nickel, Copper and 35 or 70 percent for lithium). This would also raise the pressures on present and future recycling technologies, as well as the need to eventually create a bridge to a closed cycle system in which batteries are converted back into batteries. In the future years, the "re-use" / recycling industry for old EV batteries will be worth billions of dollars (Olivetti et al., 2017). A few regulations and norms do exist, but they do not require battery manufacturers to take into consideration the disassembly and "re-use" process. Based on market predictions, competitive analyses, and current standards and regulations, we and our partners have created a number of methods and procedures for efficient remanufacturing. 

 There is presently a significant deal of ambiguity regarding the regulatory requirements for “second use”: To some extent, used batteries must fulfil the standards for new goods (McManus, 2012). Existing standards contain few references to remanufacturing and recycling requirements. This means that, potentially, each stationary storage system would have to be approved separately, making a cost-effective design impossible (Marchegiani, Morgera and Parks, 2020). The SAE J2997 is one way to updating norms and standards. Unlike a traditional internal combustion engine, the residual value of a battery is not primarily determined by mileage and age. The usage history and calendar age, in particular, have a significant impact (Liu and Agusdinata, Datu B, 2020). Like the conventional internal combustion engine, a battery's residual value is not exclusively determined by miles and age. In instance, the battery's "State of Health" is impacted by its usage history and calendar age.

If used battery prices are to be negotiated effectively in the future, more efficient test alternatives must be developed, and greater historical data must be documented. Pricing might be simplified in the future with the aid of such data (Lebedeva, Di Persio, Franco and BoonBrett, 2016). Remanufacturing of today's battery packs is not possible since they are not built for it. Consideration of this second use would be necessary during production or development in order to ensure quick disassembly and reassembly of products, for example (Kurland, 2019). A remanufacture of today's battery packs is not possible. It would be necessary to consider this second method of usage during production or development - such as when gluing pieces together - in order to facilitate disassembling and reconfiguring products. Indeed, Li-ion batteries have steadily entrenched themselves in the phone and laptop markets due to their high energy density, minimal self-discharge, and absence of memory effect (Kelly et al., 2021b). However, major attempts have been made in recent years to allow Li-ion technology to benefit higher power applications such as portable tools, solar energy storage, and even grid regulation. The research is primarily focused on four technological barriers: safety, power, charging time, and battery production cost. Researchers and manufacturers are trying to enhance the performance of the four major components of an electrochemical accumulator: the anode, cathode, separator, and electrolyte (Kelly, Dai and Wang, 2020). Their beginnings. "Classic" Li-ion batteries employ a carbon anode and cobalt oxide as cathodes, with an organic solvent-and-lithium salt electrolyte. Safety was addressed as a priority by changing one or both of these materials. Sony was forced to recall millions of batteries in 2006 after a few computers caught fire. Overload and thermal runaway, perhaps due to poorer quality components or a defective control system an insulating barrier between the electrodes is created in the case of a meltdown by using a separator that reaches 125 ° C (Kaunda, Rennie B, 2020). 

It is also possible to use solid or gelled polymer electrolytes as an alternative to organic solvents as an electrolyte. Electrolyte leakage are prevented and, above all, extremely thin batteries may be manufactured. It should be noted that this is a niche market for mobile phones and other tiny portable gadgets. By switching to more stable materials like iron and lithium phosphate, safety has improved on the cathode side as well (Jowitt, 2020). Withstanding temperatures of up to 800 degrees Celsius, DeWalt's accumulators manufactured from this material power tools. Now it is more on the side of those who oppose it. Studies are now focused on the complexity and dependability of the batteries' circuitry. All manufacturers are faced with the challenge of reducing costs in addition to meeting the performance requirements of the many applications targeted (Ikasari, Sutopo and Zakaria, 2020). However, the largest systems, with thousands of accumulators, have the most difficult challenges when it comes to battery maintenance and safety. This is true for storage devices designed for power transmission networks, such as those supplied by Saft and ABB, which can produce 200 kW for an hour and 600 kW for more than 15 minutes. Because of the huge number of components required for this system, cobalt in the cathode has to be replaced with less costly materials (Jaffe, 2017). These many advancements have led in an increase in the complexity of batteries, the behaviour of which varies as they age. 

As a result, numerous researches now focus on electronic systems incorporated inside batteries, which address a portion of this complexity. The management system is a real on-board system that assures efficient utilization of the accumulators. Today, numerous researches are focused on electronic systems incorporated into batteries, which handle a portion of this complexity. To make the battery more "communicative", the management system is a real on-board system that assures optimal accumulator utilization. In the automobile sector, as well as other power applications, industrial development of applications is now dependent on the "intelligence" of storage systems (Sutopo et al., 2018). While the problem of security is being addressed, boosting the amount of power accessible to apps remains a key concern. How easily lithium ions may be put into a cathode determines how much power an accumulator can provide Materials with fine pores are being developed as a means of increasing the amount of energy stored in batteries, such as the iron nano phosphate cathode used in American A123 batteries. In particular, weather-dependent and consequently variable renewable energy benefit from power storage. Excess power can be stored in storage facilities and retrieved when needed to adjust for volatility. Different areas of application are possible (Sun et al., 2018). 

2.6 Considerations of potential supply chain batteries

In this context, some market participants are anticipating, and, for example, senior management at BMW stated in 2021 when signing a long-term supply agreement with the US company Livent that they made less dependent on individual suppliers technologically, geographically, and geopolitically. Notably, Ganfeng, situated in China, is their other supplier (Ikasari, Sutopo and Zakaria, 2020). The sourcing, policy, access, and rising politicization of the battery supply chain is an increasingly significant critical subject in the lithium sector, as well as for wider green and tech transition minerals such as cobalt, nickel, and copper (Heredia, Martinez, Agostina L and Surraco Urtubey, Valentina, 2020). The lithium business is expanding due to increased investment in battery materials and a favourable price forecast. In spite of increased investment in battery materials and a good pricing outlook, government intervention and resource nationalism are already on the rise in the lithium business (Hao et al., 2017). Intervention by government in the lithium sector is likely to be diverse, including increasing governmental backing for battery materials and industry frameworks that encourage lithium production. Australia and the European Union have already begun this process, with the European Raw Materials Alliance launching in 2020. As well as Australia, Canada, the United States, and China, the European Union has already begun this process by launching its European Raw Materials Alliance in the year 2020 (Guo, Zhang and Tian, 2020). 

Revisions to contracts and additional levies on lithium ventures might potentially be government interventions. It is Latin America, a major producer, that is most at danger from these official initiatives. In particular, Mexico indicated in April that his administration was perusing the prospect of acquiring more stakes in lithium mining (Govreau, 2021). In Argentina, state-owned energy corporations, such as YPF, are also entering the lithium business, according to Bloomberg. Also, a rise in nationalism is viewed as a potential danger after greater budgetary austerity (Golroudbary, Saeed Rahimpour, CalisayaAzpilcueta and Kraslawski, 2019). As a result of the covid-19 epidemic, several emerging markets have had fiscal and external imbalances. The lithium market is geographically quite concentrated in terms of production and ownership, both upstream with mining, which is controlled by Australia, Chile, and China, and downstream with chemical processing and battery manufacture, which is now dominated by China. Because of the present trend of de-globalization and rising efforts to localize supply chains, governments are expected to enhance local supply of raw materials (e.g., lithium production in the EU and the US) or support long-term supply agreements (Gaines and Dunn, 2014). As a result, the whole EV battery production environment, from lithium mining through battery manufacture, has changed. So, as developed markets look to lessen their dependency on China in the future, the whole value chain of the EV battery is likely to shift in the years to come, from lithium mining to battery production to EV manufacturing (Flexer, Baspineiro, Celso Fernando and Galli, 2018). The battery supply chain is becoming increasingly politicized, and sourcing, policy, and access are becoming increasingly critical issues in the lithium sector, as well as for other green and tech transition minerals such as cobalt, nickel, and copper. Lithium sector is already facing more government involvement and resource nationalism, according to a new research (Egbue and Long, 2012). The research says government involvement and resource nationalism are already rising in the lithium business, which is anticipated to continue either to secure this vital commodity or to promote local production (Dyatkin and Shirley, 2020). Through the establishment of supportive industry frameworks, Lithium International thinks that government engagement in the lithium sector will take several forms. Australia, the United States, Canada, and China have already begun the process. 

Nationalization of assets, as well as amended contracts and increased taxation on lithium projects, are other prospective government interventions. Latin America, a major lithium producer, is most at danger from these official initiatives, notably Mexico, where President López Obrador indicated in April that his office was examining the prospect of having a larger interest in lithium mining operations. In Argentina, state-owned energy corporations, such as YPF, are also entering the lithium business, according to Bloomberg.  Higher nationalism is also viewed as a concern as a result of the covid-19 pandemic's increasing fiscal and external imbalances in many emerging economies. The competitive hunt for 'clean' lithium supplies is also likely to result in a competition for battery / EV manufacturers and even their governments to gain access to the most sustainable raw material. According to Fitch, this should reduce the danger of overstock (Dougher, 2018). Efficient supply of sustainable lithium needs significant time for research and development and greater expenses, such as reducing water intensity in brine operations in South America. Current perceptions of overdevelopment are also unlikely to result in an oversupply. As with any mineral, mine development timetables often take several years from conception to operationalization.  According to the market study, lithium demand is also expected to rise faster than the existing supply. To encourage electric cars and large-scale energy storage systems, governments in big economies must provide substantial government assistance (Dewulf et al., 2010). 

American battery companies are modest players in the worldwide market. Batteries are made mostly in China, while minerals are largely sourced from China. As long as the United States continues on its current course. On present trends, the United States will be able to meet less than half of the estimated demand for lithium-ion batteries for electric cars on its roads by 2028 (Coffin and Horowitz, 2018). It is part of the Biden administration's wider drive to establish more national supply chains. They concentrate on essential minerals, semiconductor chips, and medicines in addition to lithium-ion batteries. The government today established a new task group to prevent supply chain disruptions and issued a more in-depth analysis of all of these supply networks (Chung, Elgqvist and Santhanagopalan, 2015). After the COVID-19 outbreak exposed serious flaws in global supply networks, this task group is dedicated on identifying short-term remedies. America will likely have to find a method to produce more goods on its own in the long term. For new national supply chains, the Biden administration would set aside $100 million in subsidies for state-level apprenticeship programs. 'Our national supply networks have been undermined by decades of focusing on labour as an expense to control rather than an asset to invest in.'

Chapter 3: Methodology 

The methodology chapter will be collected utilizing secondary data so that the It may determine the optimum technique to be followed when doing investigations on the relevant issue. Following the identification of the study's problem, the research technique will be established, and the best approach to be used in the study will be identified in order for the study to yield a beneficial result. The secondary inquiry is a process of examining the scientific literature based mostly on criteria selected methodological and experimental investigations - albeit qualitative - quantitative, in response to a problem previously tackled from the study (Hartwig, 2014).

3.1: Research strategy

The researcher selects some study techniques by utilizing some fresh data and information that he gathered from earlier studies on the supply chain process in the electric car battery sectors. However, he selects diverse locations to collect data from in order to analyse distinct research outcomes. As a result, the researcher will attempt to conduct new investigations on an existing study topic (Lather, 1985). The study will be carried out utilizing the secondary quantitative research technique, in which quantitative data will be gathered from secondary sources such as research papers, government resources, journals, and so on that were published between 2007 and 2020. This historical period was chosen to retain the surrounding context. For this reason, we have chosen a five-year time span. Perform a secondary analysis, which may involve using data from a prior inquiry with a new aim (for example, to test a different hypothesis) or with the same original objective, but using a different analytical approach, more complex or more modern than the previous one Also, it can be used to verify if earlier analyses were accurate. Let us not forget that reproducibility of research in all phases, including data analysis, is a fundamental need in science.  Even if it is possible to do just secondary research due to the reasons previously mentioned, in fact this occurs during the phase of development of state-of-the-art, which is a bibliographic evaluation of what is already known about the subject of study. This phase is therefore a secondary inquiry that is included into the primary investigation (Lather, 1985).

3.1.1: Research design

The study's objective, methodology, and analysing procedure are all taken into account when designing the research. In research development, there are two sorts of design policies: qualitative research design and quantitative research design (Keightley, 2020). The quantitative technique of study will be used by the researcher for the goal of the investigation. The quantitative technique is the scientific way of doing research. Secondary research includes systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which begin with a study of the existing data on a specific health intervention in order to answer specific questions using an explicit and rigorous approach.  Our review will begin with the creation of a research question, which will establish the inclusion criteria for the studies that will be included in our evaluation. If the study procedure is well defined and characterized, the process will go more smoothly. Research in scientific literature is conducted on the topic to be discussed, followed by critical evaluation of the research found - sometimes by merely reading the title or abstract. those who do not match our selection standards, while maintaining those that will ultimately meet them. From these investigations, we will collect and assess both qualitative and quantitative data. Meta-analysis is carried out when there is homogeneity across the included research and when at least two of them provide data that can be combined (Yang, Wang and Su, 2006a).

3.1.2: Research approach

It can choose a method to the study and choose between deductive and inductive techniques. He will use an inductive method to generate new theories, models, and concepts for his study by evaluating the variables impacting sustainable supply chain management in the E.V. battery sectors. The researcher will also concentrate on evaluating the hypothesis in order to investigate the study's deep-angle. It will employ secondary sources to obtain data on empirical research on the essential variables in order to execute the quantitative technique. In order to perform the study using the inductive technique, the researcher must analyse data by observing all available information. In the inside method aims to create generalised results and hypotheses based on the findings of prior research. As a result of the study's inductive technique, the study's background was identified in great detail. The qualitative technique's tiny sample size lends itself well to the inductive approach. Because of its concentration on a small number of data points, the study's inductive technique had a tendency to generalise hypotheses and findings (Hartwig, 2014). As a result, many scholars have not addressed the reliability challenge of adopting the inductive technique.

3.2: Research techniques

Secondary research includes systematic reviews and meta-analyses. When gathering numerical data, the researcher employed secondary sources to help him reach his study goals. Both research and clinical practice will be impacted by this sort of study's findings. The majority of the time, automated statistical applications are used.

3.3: Quantitative techniques

To conduct a thorough investigation of a subject, the researcher relied on the quantitative research methodology. As part of the quantitative investigation, a significant number of secondary sources were used to determine sample size and sampling technique. Researchers may know exactly what they want to learn before they begin.

3.4. Data collection

When looking for and collecting data from appropriate sources, the researcher used a desk research approach to acquire secondary data. The sources were then evaluated for relevancy and publication date. We then took quantitative data from various sources and analysed it in order to meet our study objectives (Nykiel, 2007).

3.4.2: Data formulation and presentation Data analysis

Graphs, charts, tables and histograms were employed by the It to show quantitative data and formulate it. Similar data segments from various time segments might be combined using these graphic tools, as could connections between numerous variables. He must utilize the frequency distribution table to illustrate findings of each sort of secondary data gathered. To demonstrate the percentages for the sorts of data gathered, he uses a frequency distribution table. After collecting data, the researcher will organize it into sub-themes and themes so that he or she may compare it to other material that has been obtained. Using acquired quantitative data and current data, the researcher will assess the degree of variance in a population's characteristics.

3.6: Ethical issues

Several ethical problems arose during the research process. In the proposal, it is stated that the researcher has obtained the consent of all respondents before enrolling them in the study. Sources consulted for this study have been recognized by the researcher. It has also correctly referred to them (Scott, 2018). There was no claim that the collected data was original, and correct citations were supplied for all secondary sources used. Permissions were also obtained from the necessary sources (Lather, 1985). The use of any information that may damage the reputation of any entity was strictly prohibited. The participants' permission has given them the option to opt out of any survey questions or to withdraw from the study if they so want. In addition, participants were told that their survey responses would be kept secret and would only be used for academic purposes (Fox, 2013). 

3.7: Limitations of the methodology

A few constraints were observed during study development, such as the following:  A large number of secondary sources would have increased the study's reliability and validity. The researcher attempted to investigate the subject by focusing primarily on the obtained data, rather than applying the quantitative technique in its entirety. The subject of supply chain management in the electric car battery sectors may be affected by numerous variables, which might lead to diverse outcomes. A variety of particular information was needed to address research questions in distinct situations (Yang, Wang and Su, 2006a).

Chapter 5: Discussion/analysis of findings 

5.1 Upstream of the insecure value chains

There is a significant concentration of lithium production today, with most of it occurring in the lithium triangle between Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina, which produces brine-derived lithium, and Australia, which produces rock-derived lithium (27 kt). As a result, the lithium produced cannot be used directly in battery cells and must be processed into lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide first. About 250 kt of lithium hydroxide refining capacity was in China's ownership at the end of 2018, with 300-350 kt projected to be in place by the end of 2019; approximately 90 percent of lithium hydroxide refining capacity was in China's control at the end of 2018 (Chung et al., 2015). In high demand by the electric vehicle battery industry. With its flagship Albemarle refinery project budget of one billion dollars for a capacity of up to 100kt per year, Australia is now attempting to catch up. On the other hand, the Canadian government is also working on a 30-kt project (Chadha, 2020). Portugal, Spain, Finland, Austria, and the Czech Republic are among the European countries with lithium extraction projects. Extraction of the green lithium generated by brines from new geothermal power plants. 

To yet, it has not been verified if any of these extraction projects would incorporate a lithium refinery. Europe has set itself the ambitious goal of mastering the value chain, which requires the development of refining capacity. A country will have to export lithium from its land to be refined outside of its boundaries before re-importing it for the purpose of producing (Blagoeva, Darina T et al., 2015). Otherwise, it will have to export the lithium it has mined and purify it outside of its borders before re-importing it for use in the manufacturing of cathodes. Lithium hydroxide, which is highly coveted by vehicle manufacturers, trades for over $ 11,000/tonne, but the current price of spodumene (the intermediate product from the extraction process) is approximately $ 600/tonne. Beyond the financial issue and the danger associated with lithium price fluctuation, this would also keep the area dependent on refining countries (Berry, 2020). 

5.2 Lithium battery life cycle

Northvolt, has also signed a lithium hydroxide supply contract with Canadian Nemaska Lithium, fault to be able to obtain supplies directly on European territory, despite the fact that its discourse is very focused on the need to integrate the value chain as much as possible and to source its raw materials locally Chinese rare-earths supplies to Japan and the United States were briefly halted in 2010 due to political tensions, demonstrating the potency of the threat of a disruption in the supply of vital minerals. The costs of these elements (which are not uncommon but are found in low concentrations and whose manufacturing is complicated) skyrocketed: the average cost of 14 rare earths increased from $ 70 per kg in 2009 to more than $ 650 in 2011. China has also vowed to repeat in May 2019 as part of a trade battle with the United States that has been ongoing for some months (Bernhart, 2019). 

However, Europe has the capabilities and actors who, if they are not yet able to carry out such projects, may convey their desire for such integration. Lithium-ion battery manufacture on European territory is projected to cost billions of dollars, whereas the cost of a refinery is estimated to be between $ 5 and $10 million per kilowatt-hour of lithium (Belharouak et al., 2020). Beginning in 2021, these plants will be put into service, increasing demand for reprocessed lithium. In order to compete against Asian competition, actors in the value chain of what is already known as white gold have every incentive to combine their operations upstream and downstream.  has also signed a lithium hydroxide supply contract with Canadian Nemaska Lithium, fault to be able to obtain supplies directly on European territory, despite the fact that its discourse is very focused on the need to integrate the value chain as much as possible and to source its raw materials locally Chinese rare-earths supplies to Japan and the United States were briefly halted in 2010 due to political tensions, demonstrating the potency of the threat of a disruption in the supply of vital minerals (Akcil, Sun and Panda, 2020).

Figure 1 Electric vehicle (EV) battery life cycle given the proposed battery reuse

We have developed a Battery Second Use B2U framework for the EV industry, which takes into account the impacts on many sectors and stakeholders, as well as the shared value generating method (Agusdinata, Datu Buyung et al., 2018). B2U has the capacity to demonstrate that it is a realistic and efficient justification for long-term sustainability at the end of the day As an alternative to typical firm-centric tactics, a multi-stakeholder network-centric business model might be used to achieve sustainability. A battery's entire service life can be extended by a second usage, which helps to shorten the resource cycle (Ikasari, Sutopo and Zakaria, 2020). A battery's entire service life is extended, reducing the resource cycle, and the recycling phase is considerably delayed, resulting in more sustainable resource management. A reliable supply of raw materials and the use of environmentally acceptable raw materials in EV battery cell manufacturing are therefore essential. Due to an increasing global population, increased resource consumption, and environmental consequences, climate change has become a more pressing issue. Thus, it has become imperative to move away from inefficient models and toward ones that are more efficient (Hao et al., 2017).

 All of this has underscored the necessity of moving toward more efficient models that handle the problems of a more sustainable future Given the ever-increasing usage of limited fossil fuels in transportation and the century-long reliance on internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), the automobile industry's present economic, social, and environmental structures are unsustainable (Flexer, Baspineiro, Celso Fernando and Galli, 2018).

Fig. 2

5.3 risks related to the sustainable management of the supply 

There are just a few geographical regions where lithium is found. About 90 percent of the world's resources are found in Bolivia, Chile, China, the United States of America, and Argentina (Hao et al., 2017). Lithium resources and production are concentrated in South American nations such as Chile and Argentina (more than 50%).

Fig 2

Figure 2 Annual lithium consumption by market from 1935 to 2016. (Miatto et al., 2020)

The United States and the rest of the world mined lithium from 1910 to 2016. Quantity of lithium present in Gg is depicted in the primary diagram (Heredia, Martinez, Agostina L and Surraco Urtubey, Valentina, 2020).

C:\Users\MBA.samsung\Pictures\Screenshots\Screenshot (16).png

Figure 3 Factors and constraints of lithium/ev supply chain (Egbue and Long, 2012)

Lately, China has demonstrated the potential influence of a nation that supplies a resource, such as rare earth elements, an essential raw ingredient for NiMH batteries. This raw material's export limit was recently reduced by China, which controls more than 95 percent of global supplies (Guo, Zhang and Tian, 2020). At the meantime, there is no battery technology that can compete with lithium for use in electric car batteries — and this is unlikely to change in the near future. (Kushnir and Sanden, 2012)

Conventional metal mining, like the extraction of fossil fuels, imposes a heavy cost on people and the environment, resulting in substantial deforestation in some of the planet's most important carbon sinks. A huge industrial waste stream and gigatons of emissions are generated, damaging ecosystems and human health and perhaps contributing to worker exploitation (Govreau, 2021). On the other hand, polymetallic nodules are found on the ocean floor and may be recovered without drilling or blasting. The Metals Company is able to obtain battery metals from nodules without creating any sludge or waste. They contain significant quantities of four essential metals in a single ore and may be extracted without drilling or blasting since they are found on the seafloor (Coffin and Horowitz, 2018). Metals Company is able to obtain battery metals from nodules without generating solid waste or hazardous residue, and produces up to 90 percent fewer carbon emissions than traditional methods of mining. In addition to requiring no fixed mining infrastructure, the nodules can be shipped anywhere in the world for processing and represent the world's largest known deposit of battery metals, which can be used to strengthen the national supply of critical minerals and support Europe's ambition to become a world leader in sustainable battery (Flexer, Baspineiro, Celso Fernando and Galli, 2018). 

It has exclusive access to three state-sponsored exploration zones in the Pacific that hold enough resources to produce 280 million electric vehicle batteries (Golroudbary, Saeed Rahimpour, CalisayaAzpilcueta and Kraslawski, 2019). The two industrial alliances will play a significant role in the creation of a national battery recycling sector as part of their ambition to become a major metals supplier on the continent. It's only that there's not enough material to go around, so considerable amounts of new metal will be needed, and recycling existing batteries can only cut demand by 10%, according to the IEA. Using seafloor nodules, The Metals Company hopes to reduce the environmental impact of conventional metal mining. The Metals Company envisions seabed nodules as a means to decrease the environmental impact of conventional metal production while also developing a worldwide inventory and circular economy for metals to drastically reduce – and maybe eliminate – the demand for them. According to my cursory analysis, the accompanying figure suggests potential supply difficulties for Co, Li, and perhaps natural graphite, but no apparent supply issues for Ni or Mn (Gaines and Dunn, 2014).


Figure 4 Static Resource Utilization Metrics for Ni, Mn, Co, Li, and Natural Graphite (Olivetti et al., 2017)

5.3. Inventions 

Participants at the high-level conference 'expressed widespread support' for a number of actions targeted at tackling these priority areas: This will be especially important in light of the huge volume of manufacturing capacity that is scheduled to be added or upgraded over the next two years (Dyatkin and Shirley, 2020). This would allow global producers to compete on the concepts of sustainability and circular economy, rather than merely price. Source and process R with more efficiency. Improve the procurement, processing, and manufacture of raw materials and essential components on a local level Members of the Global Commission have been urged to determine if their nations have the capacity to invest in and host such facilities, with the suggestion that specific conversations be held later this year. Tariff suspensions for imports of battery materials might be imposed more severely and, if inter-global choices arise, they could be abolished (Egbue and Long, 2012). Let's not forget that by 2025, Africa would be short 800,000 qualified employees due to a skills gap in the global workforce. It was agreed during the conference that particular training initiatives should be carried out, and that the Global Commission would create a platform in April to enable this process outside national borders (Dougher, 2018). The Metals Company envisions seabed nodules as a means to decrease the environmental impact of conventional metal production while also developing a worldwide inventory and circular economy for metals to drastically reduce – and maybe eliminate – the demand for them. According to my cursory analysis, the accompanying figure suggests potential supply difficulties for Co, Li, and perhaps natural graphite, but no apparent supply issues for Ni or Mn. 

5.4 Gaps in electric vehicle industries 

Despite the epidemic, Europe continues to be a battery hotspot, reducing the investment gap with our key Asian competitors and pushing fast toward strategic autonomy, he added. These 70 or so projects have made significant progress in the field, despite the fact that many have moved ahead of schedule and decided to increase their planned production capacities beyond initial plans (Dewulf et al., 2010). These projects range from raw material sourcing to digital technologies to support batteries in the field. Lithium-ion battery manufacturing Batteries have seen a recent surge in investment, with several projects moving ahead of schedule and increasing production capacity. The biggest development has been made in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries, and by 2025 we are on pace to become the world's second largest producer of battery cell (Chung, Elgqvist and Santhanagopalan, 2015). A few established businesses and startups that have been funded by the European Battery Alliance have stated they will also be working on the storage area. It's hard to imagine a firm that has raised large amounts of money in such a short time frame, but Northvolt is one prominent example. It was agreed during the conference that particular training initiatives should be carried out, and that the Global Commission would create a platform in April to enable this process outside national borders

5.5 The sustainability issues of supply chain management 

A remarkable and steady growth in worldwide demand for lithium and cobalt has been observed since the turn of the decade. These metals are particularly sought after in the manufacturing of Li-ion batteries due to their unique characteristics (Chadha, 2020). It is true that lithium ensures that a battery can be recharged, but cobalt's high energy density provides it a boost. This is due to the fact that the world's deposits of these two metals are concentrated in places with poor environmental controls and questions about labor laws, as well as the exploitation of a local people already struggling. 'An underdevelopment that dates back to colonial times (Chung et al., 2015).

Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendations 

The salt plains of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile contain 70-80% of the world's lithium deposits. In addition to Bolivia, which has the world's biggest lithium resource, Chile and Argentina are the world's second and third largest producers of lithium, respectively. For now, Australia and China are also big producers of lithium-ion batteries. However, the mining of lithium on the Andean Altiplano is fraught with difficulties. Water consumption is a key problem throughout the extraction process. In addition, the latter takes place in a highly crowded environment (Chadha, 2020). The latter also occurs in severely dry places, where a significant number of people rely on very fragile ecosystems for their agro-pastoral activities and, as a result, for their income. It is also causing pollution and the entrance of chemicals into hydraulic systems, along with the destruction of huge sections of salt plains and the degradation of its distinctive scenery. Overall, these countries have more difficulty implementing environmental legislation and conducting quality environmental research. The mining industry routinely excludes Indigenous communities, who have a history of horrific enslavement in colonial mines. In Argentina and Bolivia, this mismatch has already sparked social unrest between local communities and extraction agencies. As one of the world's least developed countries, DRC owns roughly half of the world's cobalt deposits and produces 60 percent of the world's total cobalt outputs. This business is not regulated in the DRC, a country with weak institutions due to its colonial past. Cobalt is rapidly being extracted in artisanal mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, sometimes in appalling conditions, as a result of the growth in demand (Chadha, 2020). Workers including children are most likely to be injured in the course of their employment (Chadha, 2020). Typically, laborers often adolescents dig in perilous tunnels using minimal equipment. They hardly earn enough to feed themselves, despite the fact that the catastrophic risk of collapse is perpetual (Blagoeva, Darina T et al., 2015). Worryingly, cobalt may become a significant source of money for armed organizations, perhaps sparking new wars in the nation. The need for Lion batteries highlights a genuine contradiction: while these batteries may be necessary for more sustainable technology and the abandoning of fossil fuels, which are the basis of many military and socioeconomic conflicts, they may also render us reliant. Supply chains that are as insecure and unfair as the ones we wish to avoid (Berry, 2020). Often, corporations can avoid public accountability since it is impossible to determine the specific provenance of the raw materials utilized. It is possible that consumer interest in the supply chain of our electronic items may lead manufacturers of electronics and electric vehicles to implement more strict laws governing the openness of their supply chains. Finding alternatives to cobalt for battery manufacturing is positive for certain electronics and electric car businesses (Bernhart, 2019). When it comes to Industry 2.0, lithium is one of the most commonly utilized basic materials. In fact, this metal is utilized in computer and mobile phone batteries, as well as in the batteries of electric vehicles (Belharouak et al., 2020). As a result of the size of its market, silver metal is today known as white gold. In recent years, the number of lithium batteries on the market has exploded, causing a boom in the lithium sector worldwide. By 2025, the demand might exceed 50,000 tonnes.  A huge number of people depend on very fragile ecosystems for their agricultural and pastoral operations, and, therefore, for their income, in extremely dry regions (Agusdinata, Datu Buyung et al., 2018). The industrialization of lithium mining also results in pollution and the entrance of chemicals into hydraulic systems, as well as the loss of huge sections of land in salt plains, resulting in the degradation of the distinctive scenery. As a whole, these nations suffer more with the execution of environmental legislation and the quality of their environmental research. People from Indigenous groups, who have a history of slavery in colonial mines, are often barred from mining projects (Akcil, Sun and Panda, 2020). 

Low-carbon economies are in full swing, and batteries are playing a vital part. But which metals will be most in demand (Agusdinata, Datu Buyung et al., 2018). A current major driver of this demand is electric vehicles (EVs), which require resources such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and aluminium to produce different types of cathodes in their lithium-ion batteries. To be sure, manufacturing electric vehicles is only a small part of the puzzle. Reliable energy storage is required for grid stabilization while charging EVs in an electrical system highly dependent on wind or solar power. Battery and electric vehicle manufacturers, as well as their governments, are anticipated to compete for the most sustainable lithium supplies (Ikasari, Sutopo and Zakaria, 2020). So, the possibility of oversupply is reduced. For example, reducing the water intensity of brine operations in South America is expensive and takes a long time to investigate and implement. Because mine development timelines, like any other mineral, take many years from conception to operationalization, it is doubtful that current perceptions of over development would result in an excess of lithium in the near future as well. The market research was conducted. As a result of the market study, it is expected that lithium consumption would rise faster than supply in the near future. To encourage electric cars and large-scale energy storage systems, governments in big economies must provide substantial financial assistance. This would help isolate lithium demand from technical advancements and shifting preferences for battery chemical compositions in Li-ion batteries, a study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society found.

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