Topic for Reflection #1: Recruitment Strategies
Discuss an experience with recruitment. You can explore any experience with recruitment: a company generating a pool of applicants. This means that this reflection should center around applications and job advertisements and NOT selection (such as testing and interviews).
Recruitment Strategies |
Potential Topic Ideas:
1. Application fatigue (applying to many jobs you are qualified for and not receiving any responses).
2. Job advertisement with blatant discrimination.
3. A company that is recruiting that has a poor reputation.
4. An application blank with uncomfortable questions.
Topic for Reflection #2: Selection Strategies
Discuss an experience with any selection process. You can explore any experience with selection: a company choosing the qualified candidate from the pool of applicants. This means that this reflection should center around testing and interviewing and NOT recruitment (such as job advertisements and applications).
Potential Topic Ideas:
1. A poorly run interview or uncomfortable interview questions.
2. Selection testing that did not relate to the job.
3. Unnecessary background checks, medical tests, etc.
4. A poorly explained selection decision that could relate to a human rights violation.
Essay Format
Prepare an essay (2-5 pages, double-spaced, regular margins, 12-pt Calibri font) on your reflection using the following format:
- Cover page with your name, student number, your professor's name, and date of submission
- Provide an overview of your experience and how it relates to the topic (either recruitment or selection).
- Outline a high-level overview of the company(ies) the story relates to, to understand the global scale.
- Detail your specific feelings of the event – what was the impact from the circumstances of what occurred.
- What are the specific recruitment or selection issues or implications arising from this event? Use concepts and terminology from the textbook where possible.
If you were in the shoes of the HR/recruitment department, and you knew this had occurred, how might you correct this moving forward?
Marking Criteria (25)
1. Information is clearly and accurately summarized. Supporting details address the who, what, where, when, why (5Ws), and how questions of the situation. (This includes an understanding of who the company(ies) are).
2. The impact and emotional explanation are clearly outlined.
3. Provide recommendations for the company(ies) on how they can correct the concerns (or ensure other individuals aren't made to feel the same way).
4. Multiple connections to Recruitment/Selection text concepts or issues are insightfully made where appropriate.
5. Writing is clear and includes effective use of vocabulary. Ideas are expressed fluently and in an organized manner. No mechanical or grammatical errors.
6. Sources are fully and accurately cited consistent with the APA format.
Overall Deductions:
Citations: Sources of information are not cited, or sources of information are cited but some citations may be missing, or the style may be inconsistent. (-1 per infraction)
Plagiarism: The assignment contained significant amounts of materials that were copied, reworded, etc. from other sources. Inappropriate copying may lead to a charge of plagiarism. (0 for the assignment and reporting under Academic Misconduct)
Late Submission: The assignment was not submitted to Blackboard by the deadline.
Organizational selection
Recruitment strategies
Selection strategies
Application fatigue
Job advertisement discrimination
Poor company reputation
Uncomfortable application questions
Poorly run interview
Unrelated selection testing
Unnecessary background checks
Human rights violations in selection
HR/recruitment department
APA format
Marking criteria
Grading rubric
Late submission
Job hunting
Hiring practices
Human resources
Workplace discrimination
Employee rights
Labor laws
Long-tail keywords
How to avoid application fatigue
Tips for dealing with job advertisement discrimination
What to do if you experience a poorly run interview
How to protect yourself from human rights violations in selection
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